Dade County Marriages

Feb. 1905 to Oct. 1911




Welcome to the index of early Dade County, Florida marriages (1905 to 1911).  In addition to Dade marriages, this index also includes early marriages from the vicinity of today's Palm Beach and Broward Counties. 

To find a marriage by name, click on the letter group containing the first letter in the last name of either the bride or the groom.  Be sure to check various spellings (and possible misspellings) of the names.

A small percentage of the marriages are linked to an image of the marriage license.

A - D      E - L      M - R      S -  Z


We assume no responsibility for the accuracy of the marriage transcriptions.  Order marriage records at your own risk.  If you find a marriage of interest, you may obtain a copy of the marriage certificate from the Miami-Dade County Marriage License Bureau.  Send a letter listing the groom's name, the bride's name, the book number, the page number, and the year along with a check or money order made out to "County Court" and a self-addressed stamped envelope to the following address:


Clerk of Courts

Marriage License Bureau

140 West Flagler Street

Suite 1503

Miami, FL  33130

Phone:  (305) 275-1155

At this writing, the fee for this service was $7.50.  Please call (305) 275-1155 to confirm the current fee schedule.