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Instructions for Relative Finder & Louisiana
and Missouri Patriots |
If you have a free FamilySearch account AND a
family tree on FamilySearch, you can use the free Relative Finder website to |
instantly check your FamilySearch tree to see if
you are a direct descendant of a Louisiana patriot that is already in the DAR
Ancestor |
Please note that this program is only for Louisiana and Missouri
patriots that have been approved by the DAR. |
IMPORTANT NOTES: Please keep in mind
that this process is only as accurate as the family tree on
FamilySearch. |
If there are errors in the FamilySearch tree,
the relationships and lineages will be in error. |
Also, if you are related to a patriot ancestor
in more than one way, he may show as a Great Uncle rather than a |
Great Grandfather even though the direct line of
descent is a closer relationship. This is a quirk of the Relative Finder system. |
Thus, be sure to check the FamilySearch tree and
your Ancestry tree for patriots after trying the Relative Finder program. |
There is a video about using Relative Finder at: |
https://youtu.be/ZkKF2H-jJqs |
If you have questions about your results,
email |
debduay@yahoo.com |
Follow these steps to check your FamilySearch tree to see if you are a direct
descendant of an approved Louisiana or Missouri patriot: |
1) Visit
the free Relative Finder website at: |
https://www.relativefinder.org |
(Open this link in a new tab so you can continue
to view the instructions.) |
2) Sign
into FamilySearch with your FamilySearch user name and password. |
3) If you
have never used Relative Finder, complete the steps necessary to set up your
access. |
4) Click
the Groups tab at the
top of the page. |
5) Select
Join. |
6) In the
Find New Groups search
box, type: |
Louisiana Revolutionary War Patriots |
Click the Search button. |
7) The
Relative Finder program will show your relationship to each of the patriots
in the group. Your closest
relationships will be at the |
top of the list.
For membership in the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), you
must be a DIRECT DESCENDANT of one or more |
of the patriots in the group. Thus, it MUST say 4th Great Grandfather,
5th Great Grandfather, 6th Great Grandmother etc. for the relationship |
to be a direct line of descent. It CANNOT say, for example, 6th Great Uncle
or 1st cousin 5 times removed. |
The name in the Relative column must be the same name as the name in the Common Ancestor column. |
REMINDER NOTE: If you are related
to a patriot ancestor in more than one way, he may show as a Great Uncle
rather than a |
Great Grandfather even though the direct line of
descent is a closer relationship. This is a quirk of the Relative Finder program. |
8) If you
find one or more Great Grandfathers in the list, click
the ancestor’s name. This will give you a chart with the line of
descent. |
You can download a .pdf of the chart. |
9) If you
are a FEMALE interested in joining the DAR, please complete the |
Interest Form. |
A local chapter will contact you. |
10) If you did NOT find a Great Grandfather (or
Great Grandmother) using the Relative Finder program, you may have a
Louisiana |
or Missouri patriot in your tree that will be a
NEW patriot for the DAR. Click the
"Return to Index" link below to review the over 3,000 |
names of possible Louisiana and Missouri
patriots that have not been established with the DAR. |
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