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Index to French Canadian Revolutionary War Patriots
Copyright © 2014 - 2025 Debbie Duay, Fort Lauderdale, FL.  All Rights Reserved.
If you have a French Canadian patriot in the list below and you are a woman interested 
in joining the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), you can contact Debbie Duay at
or complete the "DAR Membership Interest Form" and a local chapter will contact you
This site provides a free index to French Canadian Revolutionary War patriots from Quebec that appear in the Baby, Taschereau, and Williams journal 
and/or Virginia Easley DeMarce's "Canadian Participants in the American Revolution - An Index." NOTE: You must be signed on to a free account on FamilySearch to view this source.
IMPORTANT:  The patriots that have already been approved by the DAR will have the notation "in DAR Ancestor Database" in the Comments section to the far right.
To look these patriots up in the DAR Ancestor Database, click here.
As for the other patriots, we assume absolutely NO RESPONSIBILITY for the accuracy of the information.
This site is simply a GUIDE to POSSIBLE French Canadian Revolutionary War patriots.
You must determine for yourself whether the Revolutionary War service and the lineage will be accepted by the DAR before submitting an application.
An English translation of the Baby, Taschereau, and Williams journal was published in 2005 in the book "Quebec During the American Invasion 1775-1776" edited by Michael P. Gabriel.
This book can be purchased at The events discussed in the Baby, Taschereau, and Williams journal took place either in late 1775 or early 1776. 
For a French transcription of the Baby, Taschereau, and Williams journal, click:  Baby, Taschereau, and Williams journal in French
The journal starts on page 431 of the report (image 523 of the .pdf) and continues until the end of the report.
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instantly check your FamilySearch tree to see if you are a direct descendant of either 1) an established DAR French Canadian patriot
or 2) a possible French Canadian patriot (not established with the DAR). Click here for instructions.
If you have a French Canadian patriot in the list below and you are a woman interested 
in joining the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), you can contact Debbie Duay at
or complete the "DAR Membership Interest Form" and a local chapter will contact you
If you have an subscription, click the link to review the individual's profile and vital records. 
NOTE: You must have access to the's World subscription to view the attached church records.
Abbreviations for Sources of Service 
BTW - Baby, Taschereau, and Williams journal
BTW- E refers to the pages in the English translation (pages 5 - 116).
BTW - F refers to the pages in the French transcription (pages 431 - 499).
DM - "Canadian Participants in the American Revolution - An Index," by Virginia Easley DeMarce, 1980.  
M246 - Revolutionary War Muster Rolls, U.S. National Archives  
Revolutionary War Patriot Residence During the Wife Wife Sources of Service Patriot
Last Name First Name Birth Location Revolutionary War Last (Maiden) Name First Name BTW - E BTW - F DM Other Profile Comments
Alain (Alin) (Allain) Jean Baptiste b. 1741 Grand-Pre, Nova Scotia Cormier Marguerite LeBlanc 51 listed as ALLIN
Allain Benjamin c1735-1823 Nova Scotia, Canada Somers Sarah in DAR Ancestor Database as Benjamin ALLEN
Allaire Pierre 1734-1809 St-Joachim St-Joachim Lessard Marie Josephte 13 441 50 listed as ALAIRE
Ambleton (Hambleton) Pierre b. 1745 St-Maurice, Trois Rivieres Petit Marie Josephe 51 listed as AMBELLETON
Amelin (Hamelin) Jean Baptiste Charles 1750-1829 L'Assomption, Quebec died Clinton County, NY Bureau Agathe 51 penson W20604
Anctil dit St Jean Jean Baptiste b. 1745 Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere Fournier Elisabeth 105 495 49 in DAR Ancestor Database
Arbour Michel 1755-1835 St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud died St-Gervais de Bellechasse Proulx Marie Ursule  (1st wife) 52 pension S36895 2nd wife Marie Anne Labreque
Arcand Pierre Joseph 1736-1816 Deschambault, Quebec Deschambault, Quebec Montambault Marguerite 31 452 52
Arguin Jerome m. 1779 St-Henri-de-Lauzon Vermette Josephte 58 469 52 brother of Joseph Arguin;  listed as DEROME
Arguin Joseph c1753-1813 St-Henri-de-Lauzon Boucher Marie Anne 58 469 52 brother of Jerome Arguin
Asselin Francois 1720-1782 St-Francois, Île-d'Orléans St-Vallier, Quebec Gautron dit Larochelle Marie Anne 78 480 49 in DAR Ancestor Database
Asselin Jean Baptiste 1731-1816 St-Francois, Île-d'Orléans St-Francois, Île-d'Orléans Laine Genevieve 18 444 52 listed as Jean ACELIN
Asselin Michel 1711-1777 St-Francois, Île-d'Orléans St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Fournier Marie 84 484 49 listed as ACELIN
Asselin (Ashline) Prisque 1748-1813 Ste-Famille, Île d'Orléans died Champlain, Clinton Co., NY Lacroix Roberge Marie Louise 53 pension W15820 in DAR Ancestor Database as Prisque ASHLINE
Aubin Louis 1739-1813 St-Pierre, Île-d'Orléans St-Pierre, Île-d'Orléans Noel Genevieve 24 447 53
Audet dit Lapointe Guillaume 1742-1805 St-Jean, Ile d'Orleans St-Jean, Ile d'Orleans Delage Angelique 18 444
Audet dit Lapointe Laurent 1738-1800 St-Laurent, Île-d'Orléans St-Laurent, Île-d'Orléans Coulombe Marguerite 21 446 53 in DAR Ancestor Database
Avare Ignace 1729-1798 St-Jean, Ile d'Orleans Ste-Famille, Île d'Orléans Baucher Marie Louise 16 443 53
Ayotte Jean Francois 1724-1816 L'Islet, Quebec Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere Mignier dit Lagace Marie Josephte 107 497 54 listed as Frans AYOT
Bacon Eustache 1719-1799 Chateau-Richer Chateau-Richer Rancourt Marguerite 10 439 56 listed as USTACHE
Baillargeon Nicolas 1740-1803 St-Jean, Ile d'Orleans died Vincennes, Knox County, IN Plisson Francoise 56 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database
Balan Pierre Godier dit 1755-1827 Cap-St-Ignace, Quebec Cap-St-Ignace, Quebec Gravel Elizabeth  (1st wife) 95 490 56 listed as Pierre BALAR;   2nd wife Marie Julie Morin
Baribeau Pierre 1735-1815 Ste-Anne-de-la-Perade Ste-Anne-de-la-Perade Charest Madeleine 35 454 56 listed as BARIBAU
Baril Francois b. 1744 St-Pierre-les-Becquets St-Pierre-les-Becquets Rheault/Raux Marie Josephte 50 464 57 in DAR Ancestor Database as Francois BARILLE
Barras dit Lecours Joseph Marie 1719-1779 Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Samson Marie Anne 67 474 153 listed as Barras Lecour
Barrios Francois Lootman dit b. 1733 Detroit, Wayne County, MI Vincennes, Knox County, IN Cesire Catherine 57 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
Barutel Blaise 1734-1810 Kaskaskia Territory, IL Giard Marie Anne in DAR Ancestor Database
Baucher dit Morency Basile 1711-1783 Ste-Famille, Île d'Orléans Ste-Famille, Île d'Orléans Guyon Marie Josephte 15, 16 442 57 in DAR Ancestor Database
Baucher dit Morency Charles b. 1753 Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Fortin Charlotte 80 482 71 listed as Chs Morancy Butau
Baucher dit Morency Joseph 1715-1788 Ste-Famille, Île d'Orléans Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Aube Marie Genevieve 79, 80, 81 481, 482 177 listed as Joseph MORANCY;  brother of Basile Baucher dit Morency
Baugis Louis Voisin dit c1727-1812 St-Vallier, Quebec Roy Marie Anne  (1st wife) 77, 78 479, 480 58 M246 listed as Louis Beaugis or Baugis;  Private, Major Nicholson's detachment, Albany, 1777
Bazin Jean 1745-1831 St-Vallier, Quebec St-Vallier, Quebec Asselin Angelique 77 480 58
Beaudet (Baudet) Jean Baptiste c1743-1829 Lotbiniere, Quebec Hubert Catherine 51 465 64 listed as Baptiste BODET
Beaudet (Baudet) Joseph Michel 1722-1812 Ste-Croix, Lotbinere, Quebec Lotbiniere, Quebec Belanger Marie Angelique 52 465 64 in DAR Ancestor Database
Beaudet (Baudet) Michel 1731-1790 Lotbiniere, Quebec Lotbiniere, Quebec Auger Marie Louise 52 465 64 brother of Joseph Michel Beaudet (Baudet)
Beaudoin Francois 1745-1808 St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Fregeau Francoise  (1st wife) 83 484 58 2nd wife Barbe Gosselin
Beaulieu Nicolas Hudon dit 1723-1801 Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska Moreau Anne  (1st wife) 109, 110 498 58 2nd wife Marie Madeleine Miville, 3rd wife Marie Josephe Ouellet;  listed as Nicolas Beaulieu
Beausoleil Pierre Quatrefages dit c1742-1798 France St Charles, Quebec Tetreau Marie Josephe  (1st wife) 199 2nd wife Marie Francoise Banlier;  in DAR Ancestor Database as Pierre Quatreface
Beauvais Jean Baptiste St Gemme 1746-1833 Kaskaskia Territory, IL Kaskaskia Territory, IL Boucher de Montbrun Marie Therese  (1st wife) 59 rendered aid; magistrate in DAR Ancestor Database;  2nd wife Genevieve Pencheren Huberdeau
Beffort (Bedford, Befort) Antoine Philippen dit c1720-1790 St-Ours, Quebec Emery dit Coderre Marie Agathe 59 M246
Begin Jean Baptiste 1717-1781 Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Bourasse Marie Louise  (1st wife) 65, 66, 67 473 59 2nd wife Gertrude Pouliot, 3rd wife Marie Anne Dussault;  listed as Baptiste BEJIN  
Belanger Jacques Philippe 1746-1828 St-Vallier, Quebec St-Vallier, Quebec Bolduc Marie Anne  (1st wife) 78 480 59 in DAR Ancestor Database    2nd wife Marie Louise Rousseau
Belanger Julien Victor 1752-1831 L'Islet-sur-Mer, Québec Vigeant dit Taupier Marguerite 59  pension W21654 in DAR Ancestor Database    brother of Noel Belanger
Belanger Noel b. 1754 L'Islet-sur-Mer, Québec St-Ours, Quebec Boileau Marie Ursule 60 M246 brother of Julien Victor Belanger
Belleau dit Larose Guillaume 1724-1799 Ste-Foye, Quebec  Ste-Foye, Quebec  Hamel Marie Louise 25 448 148 listed as Guillaume Larose
Bellerive Antoine Crevier dit 1716-1786 Cap-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec Cap-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec Arsenault Marie Josephe 42, 43 459 60 listed as Crevier Belrive
Bellerive Joseph Couture dit 1712-1779 Beaumont, Quebec Beaumont, Quebec Fournier Genevieve 69, 70 475 60 listed as Joseph Couture Belrive
Bercante dit Jean-L'Ours Dominique b. c1737 Vincennes, Knox County, IN Poirier Desloges Marie Josephe 61 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
Bergeron Michel c 1735-1832 Becancour, Quebec Bourque Marie Madeleine 44, 45 61 in DAR Ancestor Database
Bergevin dit Langevin Adrien 1742-1819 Beauport, Quebec Ste-Marie-de-Beauce, Quebec Bilodeau Madeleine 62 471 146
Bernesse dit Blondin Guillaume c1737-1796 France Montreal (Longue-Pointe), Quebec Marie Therese Gentil Confoulon dit Mercier 64 M246, RG 217 listed as Olian Blondin & William Blundin/Blundan
Bernier Augustin 1709-1785 Cap-St-Ignace, Quebec Cap-St-Ignace, Quebec Buteau Marie Angelique 94, 95, 96 488 61 in DAR Ancestor Database
Berube Jean Francois 1752-1833 Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska Lebrun (Lebreaux) Suzanne  (1st wife) 111 499 62 2nd wife Marie Josephte Soucy;  listed as Jean Berube, the son
Bienvenue Antoine Laurent c1731-1805 Kaskaskia Territory, IL Devegnais Elizabeth  (1st wife) 2nd wife Marie Louise Danis;  in DAR Ancestor Database
Bigot dit Duval Joseph 1720-1810 Champlain, Quebec Batiscan, Quebec Gouin Marguerite 37 456 104 listed as Joseph Duval or SUVAL
Bilodeau Jean Baptiste 1719-1789 St-Francois, Île-d'Orléans Ste-Marie-de-Beauce, Quebec Morisset Marie Francoise 61, 62 471 62 listed as BILODAU
Blais Augustin 1749-p1804 Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Mercier Marie Anne  (1st wife) 81 482 64 2nd wife Marie Josephe Coulombe;  listed as Augustin BLAY, the son
Blais Jean Baptiste 1738-p1792 Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Remillard Josephte  (1st wife) 81 482 64 listed as BAPTISTE BLAY, son of Augustin
Blais Joseph Marie 1750-1824 St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Pare Marie Josephe 83 484 64 listed as Joseph BLAY
Blanchet Alexandre c1725-1812 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Pepin dit Lachance Marie Louise  (1st wife) 87 486 64 listed as Alexandre Blanchet and his two sons;  2nd wife Marie Josephe Soucy
Blanchet Alexis b. 1744 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Fregeau Marie Madeleine 84 484 64
Blanchet Augustin c1729-1800 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Jalbert Gerbert Angelique 85, 86, 87 484-486 64
Blanchet Francois Marie 1754-1820 Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Ouellet Marie Francoise 88 486 64 listed as Francois Blanchet, Alexandre's son
Blanchet Jacques c1734-1809 Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Vermet Marie Madeleine 80 481 64
Blanchet Jean Baptiste c1726-1792 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Destroismaisons dit Picard Genevieve 85 485 listed as Jean Blanchet
Blondin Guillaume Bernesse dit c1737-1796 France Montreal (Longue-Pointe), Quebec Marie Therese Gentil Confoulon dit Mercier 64 M246, RG 217 listed as Olian Blondin & William Blundin/Blundan
Blouin Gabriel 1740-1804 Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Mercier Marie Genevieve 80 482 58 listed as BEDOUIN  (NOTE: Demarce has him indexed as BEAUDOIN.)
Boileau Pierre Amable 1734-1805 Chambly, Quebec Chambly, Quebec Vigeant dit Taupier Marie Louise Ursule 65 Heitman & others in DAR Ancestor Database as Pierre Antoine Amable Boileau
Bois Etienne 1738-1809 Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere Miville dit Deschenes Marie Veronique  (1st wife) 105 495 65 2nd wife Angelique Martin;  listed as BOHAY
Boisjoly Francois Griveault dit b. 1754 Lavaltrie, Quebec Lavaltrie, Quebec Bourdon Marie 66 M246 Served with this brother Jean Baptiste Griveault dit Boisjoly.  Listed as Baptist BOIJOLLEY and BOIJOLLY
Boisjoly Jean Baptiste Griveault dit 1749-1831 Lavaltrie, Quebec Lavaltrie, Quebec Laporte dit St Georges Archange 66 M246 Served with this brother Francois Griveault dit Boisjoly.  Listed as Baptist BOIJOLLEY and BOIJOLLY
Bonneau Pierre 1761-1832 Vincennes, Canada Vincennes, Knox County, IN De Noyon Mary Anne  (2nd wife) in DAR Ancestor Database;  only child is Mary Anne who married Jean Francois Bayard
Bonneau (Boneau, Bono) Charles Marie 1752-p1804 Vincennes, Canada Vincennes, Knox County, IN Compagnote Marie Catherine 56 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database
Bordeleau Antoine 1730-1793 Quebec, Quebec Vincennes, Knox County, IN Caron Marie Catherine 67 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database 
Bouchard Pierre 1728-1797 Montmagny, Quebec St-Vallier, Quebec Roy Marie Ursule Agnes 75, 76 479, 480 67
Boucher Joseph 1736-1786 Kamouraska, Quebec Kamouraska, Quebec Paradis Dorothee 113, 114 67
Boudriau dit Labonte Pierre Antoine 1720-1804 Riviere-des-Prairies, Quebec Chambly, Quebec Bombardier Marie 138 in DAR Ancestor Database as Pierre Antoine Boudriau dit La Bonte
Boulanger Joseph Lefebvre dit 1736-1797 St-Thomas (Montmagny) Hinse Marie Louise 91, 92 487, 488 68 listed as Joseph Boulanger
Boule (Boulay, Boulet) Joseph Marie 1735-1808 Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Bonneau Marie Genevieve  (1st wife) 83 484 68 2nd wife Marie Angelique Montminy; listed as Joseph BOULET
Boulet Robert 1727-1808 Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Gendron Marie Agnes  (1st wife) 84 484 68 2nd wife Charlotte Lefebvre dit Boulanger;  listed as Robert Boulet, the father
Bourbeau dit Carignan Jean Baptiste 1753-1833 St-Pierre-les-Becquets Gentilly, Quebec Hamel Marie 47 462 73 in DAR Ancestor Database
Bourg Michel c1750-1836 Beaubassin, Canada Nova Scotia, Canada Foret Ursule in DAR Ancestor Database
Boutin Jacques Philippe 1754-1817 Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Bilodeau Marie Genevieve 80 481 68 M246, Mooers List listed as Jacques Boutin; in Capt. Liebert's Co (M246); as Jacques Buton, private in Hazen's Regt., 1783
Boutin Jean Vallier 1725-1812 St-Vallier, Quebec St-Vallier, Quebec Bilodeau Marie Madeleine  (1st wife) 75, 76 479, 480 68 listed as Jean Valier Boutin
Boyer Louis 1725-1786 Montreal, Quebec Vincennes, Knox County, IN Gauder Marie 68 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database
Brault dit Pominville Pascal 1734-1815 Lachine, Quebec St-Genevieve, Quebec Leduc Marie Therese 195 see DeMarce p. 195 for a descripition of service
Breard dit Laroche Louis 1737-1776 Varennes, Quebec Longueuil, Quebec Suprenant Marie Anne 148 Q.11 listed as Louis La Roche
Brindamour Jean Baptiste Menard dit 1735-1815 France St-Antoine-sur-Richelieu, Quebec Circe Marie Francoise  (1st wife) 170 2nd wife Ursule Denault (Daudin);  in DAR Ancestor Database as Jean Menard
Brisson Augustin 1734-1809 St-Pierre-les-Becquets St-Pierre-les-Becquets Miville dit Deschenes Marie Josephe 48 463 70
Brouillet Louis  m. 1773 Vincennes, Knox County, IN Desnoyers Marie Louise 70 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
Brouillet  (Brouillette) Michel c1745-1796 Vincennes, Knox County, IN Boneau Marie Barbe 70 oath of allegiance at Vincennes listed as Michael Brouillette in DAR Ancestor Database
Brulot Charles Gesseron dit 1750-1820 Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Cote Marie Thecle  (1st wife) 67, 68 475 70 2nd wife Suzanne Patry;  listed as Charles Brulot dit Gezeron
Bussiere Louis 1739-1825 St-Pierre, Île-d'Orléans St-Henri-de-Lauzon Leclerc Marie Therese  (1st wife) 57 468 71 2nd wife Madeleine Blouin
Buteau Pierre 1699-p1785 Canada St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Fournier Brigitte 82, 83, 84 482-484 71 in DAR Ancestor Database
Cadieux Jean Baptiste 1758-1842 Chambly, Quebec St-Denis-sur-Richelieu, Quebec Bonnier dit Laplante Marie Jeanne 75 affidavit in Basil Mignault's pension listed as John Baptiste Cayeaux.  He is the brother of Pierre Cadieux who served and Joseph who died in 1776.
Cadieux Pierre 1743-1807 Chambly, Quebec St-Denis-sur-Richelieu, Quebec Brouillet Francoise  (1st wife) 76 several sources of service 2nd wife Marguerite Bourque;  listed as Peter Cayeaux.  He is the brother of Jean Baptiste Cadieux who served and Joseph who died in 1776
Campeau Michel 1743-1780 Vincennes, Knox County, IN Davignon dit Lafeuillade Marie Angelique 72 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
Cantin Charles c1745-1811 L'Ange-Gardien Trudel Marie Ursule  (1st wife) 9 438 73 2nd wife Marie Angelique Vesina
Carbonneau dit Provencal Joseph 1742-1831 Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Blais Therese 80 481 197 listed as Joseph Provencal
Cardinal Jean Baptiste 1728-1780 Montreal Vincennes, Knox County, IN Mallet Marie Anne 73 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database
Cardinal Nicolas 1725-1789 Montreal Vincennes, Knox County, IN Girard Marie Josephe 73 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database
Carignan Jean Baptiste Bourbeau dit 1753-1833 St-Pierre-les-Becquets Gentilly, Quebec Hamel Marie 47 462 73 in DAR Ancestor Database
Caron Laurent 1736-1808 L'Islet, Quebec St-Jean-Port-Joli, Quebec Chouinard Elisabeth Louise 100 492 74 in DAR Ancestor Database as Pierre Laurent Caron
Carrier Ignace c1735-1802 Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Dumont Genevieve  (1st wife) 68 475 74 2nd wife Genevieve Huard dit Desilets, 3rd Genevieve Belleau Larose;   listed as Ignace CARIER
Carrier Louis 1737-1776 Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Carrier Therese 68 475 74 listed as Louis CARIER deceased
Cartier Pierre c1740-1780 Vincennes, Knox County, IN L'Allemand Helene 75 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database
Casavant dit Ladebauche Joseph 1720-1780 Contrecoeur, Quebec Vercheres,Quebec Charon Marie Louise (1st wife) 75 B.184-1 p. 4 2nd wife Marie Francoise Phenix
Cauchon dit Laverdiere Rene 1720-1799 St-Vallier, Quebec St-Vallier, Quebec Thibault Marie Genevieve 75, 76 479, 480 150 listed as Rene Laverdiere
Cazeau (Caseau) Francois 1734-c1795 Montreal, Quebec Vallee Marguerite 76 detailed description of service in DeMarce
Cerre Jean Gabriel 1734-1805 Montreal, Quebec Kaskaskia Territory, IL Giard Catherine 77 in DAR Ancestor Database
Chabot Antoine 1715-1793 St-Laurent, Île-d'Orléans St-Laurent, Île-d'Orléans Leclerc Madeleine 20, 21 445 77
Chabot Francois Marie 1704-1785 St-Pierre, Île-d'Orléans St-Pierre, Île-d'Orléans Ferland Ursule 22 447 77 listed as Francois Chabot
Chabot Joseph 1744-1791 Beaumont, Quebec Vincennes, Knox County, IN Clermont Ursule Dubord oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database
Champagne Gervais Lambert dit 1751-1828 Ste-Croix, Lotbinere, Quebec St-Joseph-de-Beauce, Quebec Doyon Marie Louise 64 473 78 listed as Gervais Champagne
Champagne dit Orion Firmin c1756-1839 Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia Gaudet Marguerite 161 pension S46007 pension listed as Ferman Lorion; listed in DeMarce as Firmin Loselton
Chandonnet Charles 1718-1792 Quebec, Quebec Gentilly, Quebec Godin dit Bellefeuille Cecile 46, 47 462 77 listed as CHS CHANDONET
Chapard Nicolas c1759-p1807 Vincennes, Knox County, IN Lacoste Cecile 78 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database listed as NICHOLAUS Chapard
Chapoton Jean Baptiste 1721-1803 Fort Ponchartrain, Canada Vincennes, Knox County, IN Godfroy Genevieve Elisabeth  (1st wife) 78 2nd wife Felicite Cesire;  in DAR Ancestor Database
Charleville Francois c1754-c1793 Kaskaskia Territory, IL Kaskaskia Territory, IL Longval Marie Louise 79 in DAR Ancestor Database
Charleville Jean Baptiste c1740-1782 Kaskaskia Territory, IL Kaskaskia Territory, IL Brazeau Francoise in DAR Ancestor Database
Chartier Antoine 1765-1836 St-Antoine-sur-Richelieu, Quebec St-Antoine-sur-Richelieu, Quebec Wilcox Mary 79 pension W4911 in DAR Ancestor Database
Chartier Jean Baptiste c1732-1813 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Morin Marie Josephe 87 486 80 in DAR Ancestor Database
Chartier Jean Baptiste Durand dit 1738-1820 Champlain, Quebec Champlain, Quebec Crepeau Marie 40 458 80 listed as Jean Chartier;  listed in DAR Ancestor database
Chartier Jean Marie 1758-1832 St-Antoine-sur-Richelieu, Quebec Chazy, NY Robinet Marie Therese "Sally" 80 pension W17598
Chartier Joseph 1719-p1792 Riviere-des-Prairies, Quebec Chazy, NY Hubert Marie Ursule 81 M246, Mooers List see DeMarce page 81 for a detailed description of his service
Chartier Joseph 1766-p1839 Chambly, Quebec Fishkill, NY X X 81 pension S40828
Chartier Pierre c1749-1830 Albany, NY Robinett Marie Francoise Polly 81 pension W23786 in DAR Ancestor Database
Chartier Theodore 1734-1796 Riviere-des-Prairies, Quebec Chazy, NY Loupe Rochelais Therese 82 in DAR Ancestor Database
Chateauneuf Jean Baptiste Desranleau dit 1739-1809 Batiscan, Quebec Ste-Genevieve-de-Batiscan Roy Chatellereau Marguerite  (1st wife) 38, 39 457 82 2nd wife Charlotte Trottier;  listed as Baptiste CHATAUNEUF
Chatellerault Joachim Roy 1739-1803 Ste-Anne-de-la-Perade Ste-Anne-de-la-Perade Papilleau Therese 34, 35 454 82 listed as Joachim CHATELRAU
Choret Pierre 1715-1785 St-Pierre, Île-d'Orléans St-Pierre, Île-d'Orléans Paradis Marie Anne  (1st wife) 22 447 84 2nd wife Marie Therese Nolin 
Chouinard Julien 1716-1791 L'Islet, Quebec St-Jean-Port-Joli, Quebec Fortin Marie Reine 100 492, 493 84 in DAR Ancestor Database
Chretien Antoine b. c1745 Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere Lanoux (Lanoue) Marie Anne 107 497 84
Chretien Charles Francois b. c1731 Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Guimond Ursule 81 482 84 listed as Francois Chretien
Chretien Francois 1737-1809 Montmagny, Quebec Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere Mignier dit Lagace Marie Angelique 105 495 84
Cinq Mars (St Mars) Guillaume Gobelin dit b. 1736 St-Laurent, Île-d'Orléans St-Laurent, Île-d'Orléans Ruel Elisabeth 20, 21 445 213 listed as SINMAR
Cloutier Charles 1743-1835 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Destroismaisons dit Picard Marie Marthe 87, 88 486 85 brother of Francois Noel Cloutier
Cloutier Francois Noel 1747-1820 Montmagny, Quebec St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Pelletier Catherine 87 486 85 listed as Francois Cloutier, the son of Gabriel;  brother of Charles Cloutier
Cloutier Joseph Marie 1752-1813 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Bourassa Charlotte 89 486 85 listed as the eldest son of Laurent Cloutier
Cloutier Prisque 1749-1789 Chateau-Richer, Quebec St-Joseph-de-Beauce, Quebec Lessard Marie Charlotte 64 473 85
Cloutier Zacharie 1742-1811 Chateau-Richer Chateau-Richer Huot Marie Genevieve 10 439 85
Codere (Gaudere, Godere) Louis c1739-1794 Ouiatenon, IN Vincennes, Knox County, IN Levron Elisabeth Barbe 120 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database as Louis GAUDERE
Codere (Gaudere, Godere) Rene c1736-1793 Ouiatenon, IN Vincennes, Knox County, IN Compeau Catherine 85 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database as Rene GAUDERE
Colombe (Coulombe) Louis 1737-1807 St-Laurent, Île-d'Orléans St-Laurent, Île-d'Orléans Audet dit Lapointe Marie 21 446 88
Comire (Camire) Vincent 1737-1809 Quebec, Quebec Ste-Marie-de-Beauce, Quebec Parent Marie Louise 62 471 86 listed as COMMIRAY
Constantineau  (Constantine) Nicolas 1757-1840 St-Ours, Quebec Chazy, NY Chartier Charlotte 87 pension R2239
Cornellier dit Grandchamp Jean Baptiste 1739-1804 Ste-Famille, Île d'Orléans Ste-Famille, Île d'Orléans Baucher dit Morency Therese Gertrude 16 443 123 son-in-law of Basile Baucher dit Morency
Corriveau Jacques 1718-1812 St-Vallier, Quebec St-Vallier, Quebec Gautron Angelique Reine 75, 76 479, 480 87 listed as CORIVEAU
Corriveau Joseph c1732-1794 St-Vallier, Quebec Tanguay Marie Josephte  (1st wife) 77 480 87 in DAR Ancestor Database; 2nd wife Marie Rose Roy
Cote Francois 1713-1799 L'Ange-Gardien, Quebec St-Augustin, Quebec Trudel Marguerite 26 449 75, 88 in DAR Ancestor Database
Cournoyer Pierre c1739-1793 Berthier, Quebec Vincennes, Knox County, IN Racine Angelique 87 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database
Courville Joseph 1743-1827 Becancour, Quebec Gentilly, Quebec Beaufort Marguerite 46, 47 462 88
Couture Augustin Protais b. 1753 Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Boulay Marie Josephe  (1st wife) 68 475 197 2nd wife Angelique Beland;  listed as Augustin Protin dit Couture
Couture Ignace 1737-1815 Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Carrier Veronique 67 474 88
Couture Joseph b. 1744 Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Guay Suzanne 69 475
Couture dit Bellerive Joseph 1712-1779 Beaumont, Quebec Beaumont, Quebec Fournier Genevieve 69, 70 475 60 listed as Joseph Couture Belrive
Couture dit Lamonde Joseph b. c1725 St-Thomas (Montmagny) Blanchet Marie Louise  (1st wife) 91, 92 487, 488 145 2nd wife Marie Louise Pelagie Lemieux;  listed as Joseph Lamonde
Crepeaux (Crepaux, Crepeau) Louis b. 1721 Île-d'Orléans Vincennes, Knox County, IN Perthuis Louise 89 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database as Louis CREPEAU
Crequy Ignace c1738-1797 Pointe aux Trembles Goulet Genevieve 27, 28 450 89 listed as CREQUI
Crevier dit Bellerive Antoine 1716-1786 Cap-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec Cap-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec Arsenault Marie Josephe 42, 43 459 60 listed as Crevier Belrive
Custaud  (Custau, Casteaux) Gabriel 1748-c1780 Montreal, Quebec Vincennes, Knox County, IN Serat dit Coquillard Marie Amable 75 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
Dabat Jean Baptiste c1747-1808 France Chazy, NY Ferreol (Ferriole) Marie Madeleine 90 in DAR Ancestor Database
Daniau dit Laprise Pierre 1744-1821 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Rousseau Marie Genevieve 85, 87 484, 485 148 listed as Pierre Laprise;  INCORRECTLY listed as PRISQUE on page 85 (See Comment on page)
Danis Michel 1760-1827 Kaskaskia Territory, IL Kaskaskia Territory, IL Bienvenu Elisabeth 90 in DAR Ancestor Database;  listed as DANEY in DeMarce
Dapron Guillaume c1750-c1787 Vincennes, Knox County, IN Clermont Louise 91 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
Delezenne Joseph Christopher 1756-1828 Montreal, Quebec New York Dusenberry Mary 93 pension W10725 in DAR Ancestor Database as Christopher Delezenne
Delisle Augustin 1740-1812 Deschambault, Quebec Cap-Sante, Portneuf, Quebec Morisset Marie Josephte 29 451 93
Delisle Charles 1724-1803 Detroit, Canada Kaskaskia Territory, IL Lelande Elisabeth 93 in DAR Ancestor Database as Charles DE LISLE
Delisle Charles m. 1785 Vincennes, Knox County, IN Barsalou Magdeleine 93 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
Delisle Philippe Amable Larrivee dit 1741-1793 Quebec, Canada Vincennes, Knox County, IN Meloche Marie Josephe 93 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database as Philippe Amable DE LISLE
Demers dit Dumay (Dumais) Rene Ambroise b. 1737 Laprairie, Quebec Vincennes, Knox County, IN Emard (Aymard) Mare Josette 102 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
DeMonbreun Jacques Timothe Boucher 1747-1826 Boucherville, Quebec Kaskaskia Territory, IL Gibault Therese Marguerite Archange 94 Consort was Elizabeth Hensler Bennett Durard;  in DAR Ancestor Database as DE MONBREUN
Denis dit Kimper (Quimper) Pierre 1740-1819 Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere Michaud Genevieve 105 495 199 listed as Pierre QUIMPERE
DeNoyan Jean Louis a1741-1785 Boucherville, Quebec Vincennes, Knox County, IN Lafleur dit Pallo Marie Anne 95 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database as DE NOYAN
Deschamps Jean Baptiste d. 1822 St-Henri-de-Lauzon Arguin Marie 58 469 95 listed as Baptiste Deschamps
Desdevens de Glandons Maurice 1742-1799 France see DeMarce p. 95 Mathon Marie Therese 27, 32 449, 453 95 listed as Maurice Desdevens
Desforges dit Picard Louis Robert 1758-1848 Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré Donat dit Laverdure Marie Elisabeth 193 pension S14175 in DAR Ancestor Database
Deshaies dit Tourigny Joseph 1737-1789 Becancour, Quebec Gentilly, Quebec Poisson Marie Josephte  (1st wife) 46 462 223 2nd wife Marguerite Poyrie;  listed as TURIGNI;  brother of Alexis & Laurent Tourigny
Deslauriers Louis Renault dit b. 1759 Vincennes, Knox County, IN Coderre (Godere, Gauder) Marguerite 96 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
Desranleau dit Chateauneuf Jean Baptiste 1739-1809 Batiscan, Quebec Ste-Genevieve-de-Batiscan Roy Chatellereau Marguerite  (1st wife) 38, 39 457 82 2nd wife Charlotte Trottier;  listed as Baptiste CHATAUNEUF
Desrosiers Joseph Dutremble dit 1722-1779 Rimouski, Quebec St-Jean-Port-Joli, Quebec Dessaint St Pierre Marie Anne 100 492, 493 96 listed as Joseph Desrosiers
Dessaint dit St Pierre Jean Chrysostome c1728-1798 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Richard Marie Angelique 85, 87, 88 485, 486 96 in DAR Ancestor Database
Destroismaisons dit Picard Andre 1755-1837 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Blouin Angelique  (1st wife) 88 486 193 2nd wife Marie Josephte Destroismaisons;  listed as Andre Picard;  brother of Louis Marie Destroismaisons dit Picard
Destroismaisons dit Picard Augustin b. 1753 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Sylvestre Marie Genevieve 86, 88 485, 486 193 listed as Augustin Picard
Destroismaisons dit Picard Jacques 1742-1817 St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Gendron Marie Reine 87 486 193 in DAR Ancestor Database
Destroismaisons dit Picard Jean Francois 1729-1814 Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Therrien Marie Francoise 84 484 193 listed as Jean Francois Picard
Destroismaisons dit Picard Louis Marie 1753-1800 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Belanger Genevieve  (1st wife) 88 486 193 2nd wife Marie Madeleine Pelletier;  listed as Louis Marie Picard;  brother of Andre Destroismaisons dit Picard
Destroismaisons dit Picard Pierre Noel 1741-1806 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Gagnon Agathe 88 486 193 listed as Pierre Picard
Dion Basile Guyon dit 1745-1825 Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Chabot Marie Anne 80 481 97 listed as BASIL DION;  nephew of Joseph Baucher dit Morency
Dion Jean Baptiste 1733-1810 Ste-Famille, Île d'Orléans Cap-St-Ignace, Quebec Morissette Genevieve  (1st wife) 95, 96 490 97 in DAR Ancestor Database; 2nd wife Madeleine Pare
Dion Louis Andre Guyon dit 1744-1824 Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Racine Marguerite 80 481 97 listed as Louis Dion
Dionne Germain 1731-1788 Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere Bernier Marie Louise 105-107 495, 496 97 in DAR Ancestor Database as Germain Dion
Dionne Joseph c1704-1779 Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere Meneux Marie Madeleine 107 496 97 He is listed as a notary;  Germaine Dionne is his nephew
Doiron dit Gould Louis c1739-1809 Acadia, Canada Nova Scotia, Canada Bonnevie Marie in DAR Ancestor Database
Doyon Prisque 1730-1790 Chateau-Richer, Quebec St-Joseph-de-Beauce, Quebec Plante Marie Marthe 64 473 99
Drouet dit Richardville Antoine c1756-1831 Vincennes, Knox County, IN Vaudry (Vaudrie) Marie 70 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
Drouin dit Lemaine Joseph 1721-1778 Ste-Famille, Île d'Orléans Ste-Famille, Île d'Orléans Chausse Angelique  (1st wife) 16 443 154 in DAR Ancestor Database; 2nd wife Marie Anne Guyon, 3rd wife Marie Anne Langlois
Duba John (Jean) 1758-1826 Quebec New York Storm Elizabeth 99 pension S45349 in DAR Ancestor Database
Dube Basile 1727-1784 Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska Cote Marie Louise 110, 111 498, 499 99
Dube Jean c1730-1803 Kamouraska, Quebec Ayotte (Hayot) Marie Anne 114 99 in DAR Ancestor Database
Dube Joseph 1757-1816 Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska Lavoie Marguerite 99 in DAR Ancestor Database
Dube Pierre 1724-1790 Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatière St-Roch-des-Aulnaies, Quebec Pelletier Marie Anne 101, 103 493 99
Dubois Jean Baptiste b. 1741 Terrebonne, Quebec Vincennes, Knox County, IN Labelle Marie Euphrosine 99 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
Dubuc Romain 1736-1792 Neuville, Pointe aux Trembles Pointe aux Trembles Amiot Louise 27 450 99
Ducharme Jean Marie 1723-1807 Lachine Lachine Roy Marie Angelique in DAR Ancestor Database
Duclos Alexis 1734-1810 Longue-Pointe, Quebec New York Charon dit Cabana Marie Agathe 100 M246
Dufault Michel 1755-1832 St-Ours, Quebec Chazy, NY St-Onge Gareau Marie Josephte 101 M246 DeMarce indicates he was from St-Ours
Dufresne Marc 1713-1777 St-Laurent, Île-d'Orléans St-Laurent, Île-d'Orléans Audet dit Lapointe Marie Madeleine 20, 21 445, 446 101 listed as DUFRENE
Duguay dit Duplasse Joseph 1729-1780 Trois Rivieres, Quebec Kaskaskia Territory, IL Barrois Catherine in DAR Ancestor Database
Dumas Joseph 1743-1830 St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Morin Genevieve  (1st wife) 81-84 482-484 102 2nd wife Marguerite Bourg
Dumay (Dumais) Rene Ambroise Demers dit b. 1737 Laprairie, Quebec Vincennes, Knox County, IN Emard (Aymard) Mare Josette 102 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
Duplasse Joseph Duguay dit 1729-1780 Trois Rivieres, Quebec Kaskaskia Territory, IL Barrois Catherine in DAR Ancestor Database
Duplessis Henri Sirois dit b. c1757 Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere Botteler Marie Anne 103 See DeMarce page 103 for a detailed description of his service
Duquet Joseph 1738-1827 St-Antoine-de-Tilly, Lotbiniere Ste-Croix, Lotbinere, Quebec Pellerin Marie Anne 52, 53, 54 465, 466 103
Durand dit Chartier Jean Baptiste 1738-1820 Champlain, Quebec Champlain, Quebec Crepeau Marie 40 458 80 listed as Jean Chartier;  listed in DAR Ancestor database
Dury Nicolas 1738-1806 France Ste-Anne-de-la-Perade Toutant Madeleine 34, 35 454 104
Dutremble dit Desrosiers Joseph 1722-1779 Rimouski, Quebec St-Jean-Port-Joli, Quebec Dessaint St Pierre Marie Anne 100 492, 493 96 listed as Joseph Desrosiers
Duval Joseph Bigot dit 1720-1810 Champlain, Quebec Batiscan, Quebec Gouin Marguerite 37 456 104 listed as Joseph Duval or SUVAL
Edelin Louis Victor 1730-1799 Longneuil, Canada Vincennes, Knox County, IN Thomas Marie Josephe 106 in DAR Ancestor Database
Emond Jean 1734-1800 St-Francois, Île-d'Orléans St-Jean, Ile d'Orleans Asselin Angelique  (1st wife) 19, 20 444 129 2nd wife Cecile Leclerc;  listed as Jean HEMONT or HEMOND;  brother of Louis Emond
Emond Louis 1732-1799 St-Francois, Île-d'Orléans St-Jean, Ile d'Orleans Boissoneau Josephte 20 445 129 listed HEMOND or HEMONT;  brother of Jean Emond
Emond Michel 1730-1792 St-Francois, Île-d'Orléans St-Francois, Île-d'Orléans Cote Angelique 18 444 129 listed as HEMOND
Ferland Louis 1743-1808 St-Pierre, Île-d'Orléans St-Pierre, Île-d'Orléans Montigny Angelique 23 447 108 listed as FERLAN
Ferriole Alexander 1765-1848 Sorel, Quebec Chazy, NY 108 pension S43551 in DAR Ancestor Database
Ferriole Alexander/Alexandre c1735-1800 Chazy, NY Mailhot Marie Appoline 108 in DAR Ancestor Database
Fissiau dit Laramee Michel b. 1755 L'Assomption, Quebec L'Assomption, Quebec Lemire Genevieve 109 M246 Listed as FICHAUX and FICIAN
Fontaine Joseph Marie b. 1743 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud New York Boudriau dit Labonte Marie Reine 142 See DeMarce p. 142 for a detailed description of service;  Listed as Joseph LAFOUNTAINE
Fontaine Louis c1723-1799 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Huard Marie Elisabeth  (1st wife) 85, 86 484, 485 109 in DAR Ancestor Database;  2nd wife Marie Josephe Blanchet, 3rd Marie Madeleine Pelletier
Fortier Louis Marie 1754-1847 St-Michel (La Durantaye) Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Boucher Marie Josephte  (1st wife) 80 481 110 2nd wife Marguerite Roy;  listed as Louis Fortier, a boy
Fortin Denis 1733-1805 Cap-St-Ignace, Quebec Cap-St-Ignace, Quebec Bernier Ursule 96 490 110 his name sometimes appears as Pierre Denis Fortin
Fortin Eustache 1745-1830 St-Vallier, Quebec St-Vallier, Quebec Bernard Charlotte 78 480 110 listed as USTACHE Fortin
Fortin Francois 1746-1780 Cap-St-Ignace, Quebec Cap-St-Ignace, Quebec Dandurand Marie Louise 95 490 110 listed as Francois Fortin, son of Louis
Fortin Francois Rene 1724-1808 Cap-St-Ignace, Quebec Cap-St-Ignace, Quebec Normand Marie Charlotte 96 490 110 his name sometimes appears as Rene Francois Fortin
Fortin Ignace 1749-1820 St-Michel (La Durantaye) St-Michel (La Durantaye) Blais Madeleine  (1st wife) 75 479 110 listed as Ignace Fortin, the son
Fortin Philippe 1706-1776 Cap-St-Ignace, Quebec Cap-St-Ignace, Quebec Richard Marie Genevieve 96 490 110
Fournier Alexandre 1735-1826 Beaumont, Quebec Beaumont, Quebec Turgeon Charlotte 69, 70 475 110
Fournier Augustin 1721-1805 Montmagny, Quebec Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere Gagnon Marie Josephe  (1st wife) 107 497 110 in DAR Ancestor Database  2nd wife Marie Louise Toussaint
Fournier Basile 1748-1811 St-Thomas (Montmagny) St-Thomas (Montmagny) Simoneau Marie Louise 92 488 110 listed as BAZIL Fournier
Fournier Jean Baptiste 1753-1815 Beaumont, Quebec Beaumont, Quebec Baucher dit Morency Marguerite 70 476 110 listed as Baptiste Fournier
Fournier Louis 1740-1824 L'Islet, Quebec St-Jean-Port-Joli, Quebec Jean (Pierrejean) Marie Madeleine 99, 100 492, 493 111 in DAR Ancestor Database
Fournier Thomas 1732-1808 St-Thomas (Montmagny) St-Thomas (Montmagny) Morel de LaDurantaye Madeleine  (1st wife) 91, 92 487, 488 111 in DAR Ancestor Database  2nd wife Marie Anne Pouliot, 3rd wife Veronique Cote
Fregeau Pierre Noel 1744-1829 St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Caouette Marie Josephte 83 483 109 listed as Pierre FORGEAU;  He is the son of Pierre Noel Fregeau dit Laplanche
Fregeau dit Laplanche Pierre Noel 1711-1788 St-Thomas, Montmagny, Quebec St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Laflamme dit Quemenuer Marie Louise 83 483 147 listed as Noel Laplanche
Gagne Pierre 1744-p1798 St-Francois, Île-d'Orléans St-Jean, Ile d'Orleans Plante Marie Madeleine  (1st wife) 19 445 113 2nd wife Marie Madeleine Plante (same name as 1st), 3rd wife Marie Josephte Charbonneau
Gagnon Joseph 1747-1805 Ste-Marie-de-Beauce, Quebec Ste-Marie-de-Beauce, Quebec Voyer Marie Therese 60 470 113
Gagnon Louis b. c1738 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Destroismaisons dit Picard Marie Madeleine 88 486 113
Galarneau Louis 1752-1815 Quebec, Quebec Beauport Grenier Angelique  (1st wife) 8 438 114 listed as GALARNAUX;  2nd wife Jeanne Larrivee
Gamelin Pierre b. c1752 Detroit Vincennes, Knox County, IN Vaudry Ursule 114 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
Gaudere (Codere, Godere) Louis c1739-1794 Ouiatenon, IN Vincennes, Knox County, IN Leverond Barbe Elisabeth 120 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database as Louis GAUDERE
Gaudere (Codere, Godere) Rene c1736-1793 Ouiatenon, IN Vincennes, Knox County, IN Compeau Catherine 85 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database as Rene GAUDERE
Gaudreau Francois 1739-1813 L'Islet, Quebec L'Islet, Quebec Destroismaisons dit Picard Marie Louise 98 492 115 listed as GAUDRAU
Gauthier Joseph Marie 1735-1782 Deschambault, Quebec Deschambault, Quebec Arcand Marie Ursule  (1st wife) 31 452 115 2nd wife Marie Therese Gingras;  listed as Joseph GAUTIER
Gauthier Michel 1757-1812 St-Denis-sur-Richelieu, Quebec St-Denis-sur-Richelieu, Quebec Martin Marie Louise 121 Q.11 listed as Michel Goutier
Gautron dit Larochelle Pierre 1721-1804 St-Vallier, Quebec St-Michel (La Durantaye) Cauchon dit Laverdiere Marie Louise 75 479 148 listed as Pierre Larochelle
Gauvin Louis c1725-1792 St-Roch-des-Aulnaies, Quebec Pelletier Marie Francoise 105 495 123 listed as GOVIN
Gendron Jacques c1740-p1780 St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Mercier Francoise 83 484 117 listed as Jacques Gendron, son of Francois
Gendron Jean Baptiste 1734-1805 Quebec Kaskaskia Territory, IL Lachapelle Marie Louise 117 in DAR Ancestor Database
Gendron Joseph 1740-1801 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Therrien Marguerite  (1st wife) 84 484 117 2nd wife Scholastique Genevieve Beaudoin
Germain Antoine 1720-1790 Cap-Sante, Quebec Cap-Sante, Quebec Page Marie Angelique sheltered escaped Americans brother of Francois Germain;  see links on Ancestry profile for source of service
Germain Francois 1725-1781 Cap-Sante, Quebec Cap-Sante, Quebec Biguet Madeleine 30 451 117 brother of Antoine Germain
Gervais Augustin Talbot dit 1744-1802 Montmagny, Quebec St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Blais Marie Anne 88 486 118 listed as Augustin Gervais
Gervais Philippe c1731-1815 Cahokia, IL Madeleine in DAR Ancestor Database
Gesseron dit Brulot Charles 1750-1820 Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Cote Marie Thecle  (1st wife) 67, 68 475 70 2nd wife Suzanne Patry;  listed as Charles Brulot dit Gezeron
Giard Gabriel 1731-1783 Contrecoeur, Quebec Contrecoeur, Quebec Lavimodiere Madeleine  (1st wife) 223, 120 pension R10796 listed as Gabriel TZOR;  2nd wife Marguerite Amiel
Giasson Jean Baptiste b. 1751 St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Langlois Marie Elisabeth 84 484 118 listed as the son of Louis Giasson (spelled GLASSON in Gabriel's book)
Giasson Louis c1723-1797 St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Quemeneur dit Laflamme Genevieve 84 484 118 listed as Louis GLASSON in Gabriel's book;  son Jean Baptiste also listed
Gielle Charles c1755-1813 Vincennes, Knox County, IN Clermont Elizabeth oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database
Gigo (Gigot, Gigault) Francois 1758-1816 Quebec, Quebec Sherpenyew Eliza  (2nd wife) 118 pension W21182
Giguere Bon Chretien 1707-1788 Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré St-Fereol  (Ste-Anne's priest) Racine Dorothee 11 440 119 St-Fereol was ministered by Ste-Anne's priest
Girouard Jean Baptiste c1749-1824 Bufford Hannah 120 pension W15778 in DAR Ancestor Database
Giroux Jean Benjamin 1757-1810 Beauport Beauport Binet Madeleine 8 438 120 listed as Benjamin GIROU son of Charles GIROU
Giroux Louis b. 1755 Beauport Beauport Chartier Marie Josephte  (1st wife) 8 438 120 2nd wife Marie Genevieve Ringuet;  listed as a son of Charles GIROU
Giroux Pierre 1737-1812 Neuville, Pointe aux Trembles Cap-Sante, Portneuf, Quebec Gignac Marie Anne 29, 30 451 120 listed as GIROU
Gobeil Antoine 1740-1780 St-Jean, Ile d'Orleans St-Jean, Ile d'Orleans Pouliot Marie Angelique 19 445 120 in DAR Ancestor Database
Gobelin dit Cinq Mars (St Mars) Guillaume b. 1736 St-Laurent, Île-d'Orléans St-Laurent, Île-d'Orléans Ruel Elisabeth 20, 21 445 213 listed as SINMAR
Godere Francois c1739-1779 Ouiatenon, IN Vincennes, Knox County, IN Compagnot Marie Therese 121 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
Godere (Codere) Toussaint c1746-1792 Ouiatenon, IN Vincennes, Knox County, IN Charpart Barbe 120 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
Godere (Gaudere, Codere) Louis c1739-1794 Ouiatenon, IN Vincennes, Knox County, IN Levron Elisabeth Barbe 120 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database as Louis GAUDERE
Godere (Gaudere, Codere) Rene c1736-1793 Ouiatenon, IN Vincennes, Knox County, IN Compeau Catherine 85 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database as Rene GAUDERE
Godier dit Balan Pierre 1755-1827 Cap-St-Ignace, Quebec Cap-St-Ignace, Quebec Gravel Elizabeth  (1st wife) 95 490 56 listed as Pierre BALAR;   2nd wife Marie Julie Morin
Goguet (Goyette) Jacques c1737-1807 Chambly, Quebec Laporte dit Labonte Marie Louise 123 in DAR Ancestor Database as Jacques GOYETTE
Gosselin Clement 1747-1816 Ste-Famille-Ile-d'Orleans St-Hyacinth, Quebec Dionne Marie Beuve  (1st wife) 106, 107 see index 121 2nd wife Charlotte Ouimet, 3rd wife Catherine Monty;  listed in DAR Ancestor Database
Gosselin Joseph 1736-1797 Beaumont, Quebec St-Charles (Bellechasse) Cloutier Marie Charlotte 72 477 122
Gosselin Louis 1744-1823 Ste-Famille-Ile-d'Orleans Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere Bourgeois Anatasia 107 496 122 brother of Clement Gosselin;  listed in DAR Ancestor Database
Goulet Andre 1757-1813 St-Pierre, Île-d'Orléans St-Pierre, Île-d'Orléans Pilotte Marie Anne Agnes 23 447 123
Goulet Jean Baptiste 1744-1831 St-Denis-sur-Richelieu, Quebec St-Denis-sur-Richelieu, Quebec Briere Angelique 115 pension S46358 listed as John Gauley;  closely associated with Pierre Cadieux.
Goulet Louis 1738-1819 L'Ange-Gardien L'Ange-Gardien Quentin Marie Victoire 9 438 123
Goyette (Goguet) Jacques c1737-1807 Chambly, Quebec Laporte dit Labonte Marie Louise 123 in DAR Ancestor Database
Grandchamp Jean Baptiste Cornellier dit 1739-1804 Ste-Famille, Île d'Orléans Ste-Famille, Île d'Orléans Baucher dit Morency Therese Gertrude 16 443 123 son-in-law of Basile Baucher dit Morency
Gravel Joseph b. 1747 Cap-St-Ignace, Quebec Cap-St-Ignace, Quebec Paquet Marie Luce  (1st wife) 95 490 123 2nd wife Francoise Quemeneur dit Laflamme, 3rd wife Genevieve Caouette
Gravel Pierre 1721-1793 Chateau-Richer Chateau-Richer Bureau Marie Anne 15 442 123 in DAR Ancestor Database
Grenier Pierre 1736-1800 Beauport, Quebec Ste-Marie-de-Beauce, Quebec Marcoux Marie Jeanne  (1st wife) 62 471 124 in DAR Ancestor Database;  2nd wife Marie Genevieve Morin
Grimard Pierre c1745-a1783 France Vincennes, Knox County, IN Colon Genevieve 124 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database
Griveault dit Boisjoly Francois b. 1754 Lavaltrie, Quebec Lavaltrie, Quebec Bourdon Marie 66 M246 Served with this brother Francois Griveault dit Boisjoly.  Listed as Baptist BOIJOLLEY and BOIJOLLY
Griveault dit Boisjoly Jean Baptiste 1749-1831 Lavaltrie, Quebec Lavaltrie, Quebec Laporte dit St Georges Archange 66 M246 Served with this brother Francois Griveault dit Boisjoly.  Listed as Baptist BOIJOLLEY and BOIJOLLY
Grondin Louis 1745-1792 Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere St-Pierre-les-Becquets Deveau Madeleine 48 463 124
Guay Francois Louis 1727-1807 Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Lacasse Marguerite 68 475 124 listed as Francois Guay, Louis' son
Guay dit Lemoine Charles Louis b. 1730 Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Samson Marie Catherine  (1st wife) 67 474 154 2nd wife Marie Anne Begin, 3rd wife Madeleine Thivierge;  listed as Charles LEGUAY dit LENOIR
Guilbeaut Charles b. c1740 Vincennes, Knox County, IN Thiriat Cecile 125 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
Guyon dit Dion Basile 1745-1825 Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Chabot Marie Anne 80 481 97 listed as BASIL DION;  nephew of Joseph Baucher dit Morency
Guyon dit Dion Louis Andre 1744-1824 Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Racine Marguerite 80 481 97 listed as Louis Dion
Halle (Halay) Augustin 1710-1798 Quebec, Quebec Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Carrier Catherine 67 474 in DAR Ancestor Database
Halle (Halay) Ignace 1754-1821 Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) St-Henri-de-Lauzon Couture Suzanne  (1st wife) 58 469 126 in DAR Ancestor Database;  2nd wife Marie Anne Rouer Devilleray
Hambleton (Ambleton) Pierre b. 1745 St-Maurice, Trois Rivieres Petit Marie Josephe 51 listed as AMBELLETON
Hamel Jean Baptiste 1729-1817 Lotbiniere, Quebec Lotbinere, Quebec Tousignant Marie 51 465 126 listed as Baptiste Hamel
Hamelin (Amelin) Jean Baptiste Charles 1750-1829 L'Assomption, Quebec died Clinton County, NY Bureau Agathe 51 penson W20604
Hamtramck John Francis 1754-1803 Quebec New York Edeline Marie Josephe  (1st wife) 127 2nd wife Rebecca McKenzie;  in DAR Ancestor Database
Harnois Jean Baptiste 1749-1826 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Richard Marie Francoise  (1st wife) 88 486 127 2nd wife Marie Josephte Gagne;  listed as Jean Bte ARNOIS
Hebert (Hubert) Paul a1760-1810 St-Ours, Quebec Chartier Angelique 129 pension W23264 The marriages of his children call him Pierre Paul Hubert
Hebert dit Lecomte Nicolas 1715-1789 L'Ange-Gardien L'Ange-Gardien Vesina Marguerite  (1st wife) 9 438 153 listed as 2nd wife Marie Boucher, 3rd wife Rose Mathieu
Herbec Jean Baptiste 1735-1800 Batiscan, Quebec Chambly, Quebec Baril Marie Angelique 106 M246 in DAR Ancestor Database as Jean Baptiste HERBECQ
Houde (Houle) Gervais 1747-1809 Ste-Croix, Lotbinere, Quebec Ste-Marie-de-Beauce, Quebec Bilot Marie Jeanne 61 470, 473 130 listed as HOULE;  listed in DAR Ancestor Database
Hubert (Hebert) Pierre Paul a1760-1810 St-Ours, Quebec Chartier Angelique 129 pension W23264 listed as Paul Hebert
Hudon dit Beaulieu Nicolas 1723-1801 Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska Moreau Anne  (1st wife) 109, 110 498 58 2nd wife Marie Madeleine Miville, 3rd wife Marie Josephe Ouellet;  listed as Nicolas Beaulieu
Isabelle (Isabel) Jean 1752-1834 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Jalbert Gerbert Angelique 88 486 131 listed as Jean IZABEL, the son
Jacques Pierre 1753-1838 Lanoraie St-Henri-de-Lauzon Boucher Marie Josephte 58 469 132
Janis Jean Baptiste 1759-1836 Kaskaskia Territory, IL Kaskaskia Territory, IL Barbau Reine Julia 132 in DAR Ancestor Database
Janis Nicolas c1725-1801 Kaskaskia Territory, IL Taumur Marie Louise In DAR Ancestor Database
Jean-L'Ours Dominique Bercante dit b. c1737 Vincennes, Knox County, IN Poirier Desloges Marie Josephe 61 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
Jolivet dit Mitron Joseph 1733-1798 Beaumont, Quebec St-Charles (Bellechasse) Bissonette Marie Louise 72 477 173 listed as Joseph MITRON
Jourdain Pierre 1750-1834 Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) St-Henri-de-Lauzon Simoneau Marie Henriette 58 469 134 listed as JOURDOIN
Kimper (Quimper) Pierre Denis dit 1740-1819 Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere Michaud Genevieve 105 495 199 in DAR Ancestor Database as Pierre Denis Quimper
Labbe Francois c1752-1826 St-Joseph-de-Beauce, Quebec Lemoine Marie Anne 137 M246 listed as LABE
Labbe Jean Baptiste 1735-1812 St-Francois, Île-d'Orléans St-Francois, Île-d'Orléans Asselin Marie Josephte 17 443 137
Labbe Joseph c1751-1835 St-Jean-Port-Joli, Quebec Ducros Marie Ursule 137 pension W20387
Labonte Jean Baptiste Laporte dit 1722-1803 Contrecoeur, Quebec St-Ours, Quebec Lebeau Marie Veronique 138 M246, B.171, Clinton Co Deeds Father of Jacques Goyette's wife Marie Louise
Labonte Paul Marot (Marotte) dit b. 1751 Montmagny, Quebec St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Valliere Suzanne Ursule  (1st wife) 88 486 166 2nd wife Marie Roger Gaudreau;  listed as Paul Marot
Labonte Pierre Antoine Boudriau dit 1720-1804 Riviere-des-Prairies, Quebec Chambly, Quebec Bombardier Marie 138 in DAR Ancestor Database as Pierre Antoine Boudriau dit La Bonte
Lachance Antoine c1751-1839 died Orono, Penobscot Co, ME Buzzi Sarah Elizabeth 139 pension W24475
Lachance Antoine Pepin dit 1718-1796 St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Arbour Marie Genevieve 84 484 138 listed as Antoine LACHAINE  His son Antoine is also listed.
Lachance Antoine Pepin dit 1751-1829 St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Robichaud Marguerite 84 484 138 listed as Antoine LACHAINE  His father Antoine is also listed.
Lacombe Michel 1730-1792 Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Aube Marie Anne 80 481 139
Lacoste dit Languedoc Francois b. p1752 Detroit Vincennes, Knox County, IN Compagnotte (Compagnot) Therese 147 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
Lacoursiere Antoine Rivard dit 1718-1789 Batiscan, Quebec Ste-Genevieve-de-Batiscan Brisson Genevieve 38, 39 457 139 listed as Antoine LACOURCIERE
Lacroix Augustin 1726-1796 Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré Gagnon Marie Anne 11 440 140 in DAR Ancestor Database
Lacroix Jacques Lefebvre dit 1729-1799 Cap-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec Cap-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec Rocheleau Madeleine  (1st wife) 42, 43 459 140 2nd wife Marie Genevieve Roy;  listed as Jacques Lacroix
Lacroix Jean Baptiste Lefebvre dit 1721-1806 Cap-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec Cap-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec Toupin Marie Therese 42, 43 459 140 listed as Jean Bte Lacroix;  brother of Jacques Lefebvre dit Lacroix
Ladebauche Joseph Casavant dit 1720-1780 Contrecoeur, Quebec Vercheres,Quebec Charon Marie Louise (1st wife) 75 B.184-1 p. 4 2nd wife Marie Francoise Phenix
Laderoute Alexis Seguin dit 1733-p1778 Detroit, Canada Vincennes, Knox County, IN Campeau Marie Agathe 140 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database
Laflamme Jean Baptiste Quemeneur dit 1743-1798 Berthier, Quebec St-Vallier, Quebec Bouchard Marie Angelique 77 480 141 listed as BAPTISTE LAFLAME
Laflamme Joseph Quemeneur dit c1740-1801 St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Huret Marie Louise 84 484 141 listed as Joseph LAFLAME
Laflamme Michel Quemeneur dit 1740-1800 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Blanchet Marie Claire 84 484 141 in DAR Ancestor Database
Lafond Jean Baptiste 1746-1809 Batiscan, Quebec St-Pierre-les-Becquets Pepin Marie Therese 48 463 141 listed as Baptiste Lafond
Lafond Jean Baptiste 1739-p1787 West Indies Kaskaskia Territory, IL Lacourse Charlotte 141 administered oath of allegiance Listed as Jean Baptiste La Fond in DAR Ancestor Database
Lafond Pierre Simon 1753-1796 Baie-du-Febvre, Quebec New York Chartier Louise 141 pension W20388
Lafontaine Joseph Larioux dit 1723-1796 Batiscan, Quebec Ste-Genevieve-de-Batiscan Adam Ursule 38, 39 457 142 listed as Joseph Lafontaine
Lafoy dit Laframboise Jacques 1751-1822 Fort St-Frederic New York Chartier Marie Anne 142 pension S42826 See DeMarce p. 142 for a detailed description;  Listed as Jacques LAFRAMBOISE;  Pension listed as JAMES LAFRAMBOIS
Lafoy dit Laframboise Jean Baptiste c1722-1810 France Chazy, NY Lienard Durbois Marie Charlotte 143 See DeMarce p. 143 for a detailed description;  Listed as Jean Baptiste LAFRAMBOISE
Laframboise Jacques Lafoy dit 1751-1822 Fort St-Frederic New York Chartier Marie Anne 142 pension S42826 See DeMarce p. 142 for a detailed description;  Listed as Jacques LAFRAMBOISE;  Pension listed as JAMES LAFRAMBOIS
Laframboise Jean Baptiste Lafoy dit c1722-1810 France Chazy, NY Lienard Durbois Marie Charlotte 143 See DeMarce p. 143 for a detailed description;  Listed as Jean Baptiste LAFRAMBOISE
Lagace Basile Mignier dit 1747-1816 Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere Leclerc Marie Madeleine  (1st wife) 107 497 143 2nd wife Catherine Dube;  listed as BAZIL Lagace
LaGarde Jean Baptiste c1733-a1790 Vincennes, Knox County, IN Ravalet Magdaleine 143 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database as LA GARDE
Lajeunesse Jean Baptiste 1738-1819 Longueuil, Quebec Page Marie Therese  (1st wife) 144 See DeMarce p. 144 for a description of service; brother of Pierre and Prudent; 2nd wife Charlotte Brais dit Labonte, 3rd Clemence Desautels 
Lajeunesse Pierre 1741-1796 Longueuil, Quebec Vandanaigue dit Gadbois Catherine 144 See DeMarce p. 144 for a description of service;  brother of Jean Baptiste and Prudent
Lallemand Jean Baptiste Molleur dit 1731-1800 Beaumont, Quebec Beaumont, Quebec Guay Therese 69, 70 475 174 listed as Jean MOLEUR dit LALLEMENT
Lamarre Antoine 1745-1792 St-Thomas (Montmagny) St-Thomas (Montmagny) Proulx Elisabeth 91 487 145 listed as LAMARE
Lambert Louis Joseph b. 1725 Quebec, Quebec Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Frontigny Marie Therese 65, 66 473 145 in DAR Ancestor Database
Lambert dit Champagne Gervais 1751-1828 Ste-Croix, Lotbinere, Quebec St-Joseph-de-Beauce, Quebec Doyon Marie Louise 64 473 78 listed as Gervais Champagne
Lamonde Joseph Couture dit b. c1725 St-Thomas (Montmagny) Blanchet Marie Louise  (1st wife) 91, 92 487, 488 145 2nd wife Marie Louise Pelagie Lemieux;  listed as Joseph Lamonde
Langevin Adrien Bergevin dit 1742-1819 Beauport, Quebec Ste-Marie-de-Beauce, Quebec Bilodeau Madeleine 62 471 146
Langlois Gabriel b. 1747 St-Pierre, Île-d'Orléans St-Pierre, Île-d'Orléans Parent Marie Madeleine 23 447 146 His cousin is Joseph Langlois baptized 23 Feb 1750 in St-Pierre I.O. son of Pierre Langlois and Marguerite Turcotte.
Langlois dit Traversy Francois 1726-1778 Ste-Foye, Quebec  Ste-Foye, Quebec  Hamel Felicite 24 448 220 listed as Francois Traversy
Langlois dit Traversy Joseph 1728-1796 St-Francois-du-Lac St-Francois-du-Lac Vital Caron Charlotte in DAR Ancestor Database as Joseph Langlois Traversy
Languedoc Francois Lacoste dit b. p1752 Detroit Vincennes, Knox County, IN Compagnotte (Compagnot) Therese 147 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
Laperche dit St Jean Pierre 1746-1812 L'Assomption, Quebec Cahokia, IL Chretien Marie Therese in DAR Ancestor Database
Lapierre Thomas c1735-1814 Acadia, Nova Scotia Bouchard Elisabeth 147 M246
Laplanche Pierre Noel Fregeau dit 1711-1788 St-Thomas, Montmagny, Quebec St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Laflamme dit Quemenuer Marie Louise 83 483 147 listed as Noel Laplanche
LaPlante Alexis Louis 1738-c1785 Yamaska, Quebec Vincennes, Knox County, IN Denis Veronau (Veronneau) Marie Therese 147 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
Lapointe Antoine Tousignant dit c1713-1797 Lotbinere, Quebec Hubert Agathe 174 See DeMarce p. 147 for a description of service;  Listed as Antoine Lapointe
Lapointe Guillaume Audet dit 1742-1805 St-Jean, Ile d'Orleans St-Jean, Ile d'Orleans Delage Angelique 18 444
Lapointe Laurent Audet dit 1738-1800 St-Laurent, Île-d'Orléans St-Laurent, Île-d'Orléans Coulombe Marguerite 21 446 53 in DAR Ancestor Database
Laporte dit Labonte Jean Baptiste  1722-1803 Contrecoeur, Quebec St-Ours, Quebec Lebeau Marie Veronique 138 M246, B.171, Clinton Co Deeds Father of Jacques Goyette's wife Marie Louise
Laprise Pierre Daniau dit 1744-1821 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Rousseau Marie Genevieve 85, 87 484, 485 148 listed as Pierre Laprise;  INCORRECTLY listed as PRISQUE on page 85 (See Comment on page)
Laramee Michel Fissiau dit b. 1755 L'Assomption, Quebec L'Assomption, Quebec Lemire Genevieve 109 M246 Listed as FICHAUX and FICIAN
Larioux dit Lafontaine Joseph 1723-1796 Batiscan, Quebec Ste-Genevieve-de-Batiscan Adam Ursule 38, 39 457 142 listed as Joseph Lafontaine
Laroche Louis Breard dit 1737-1776 Varennes, Quebec Longueuil, Quebec Suprenant Marie Anne 148 Q.11 listed as Louis La Roche
Larochelle Pierre Gautron dit 1721-1804 St-Vallier, Quebec St-Michel (La Durantaye) Cauchon dit Laverdiere Marie Louise 75 479 148 listed as Pierre Larochelle
Larose Guillaume Belleau dit 1724-1799 Ste-Foye, Quebec  Ste-Foye, Quebec  Hamel Marie Louise 25 448 148 listed as Guillaume Larose
Larrivee dit Delisle Philippe Amable 1741-1793 Quebec, Canada Vincennes, Knox County, IN Meloche Marie Josephe 93 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database as Philippe Amable DE LISLE
Laverdiere Rene Cauchon dit 1720-1799 St-Vallier, Quebec St-Vallier, Quebec Thibault Marie Genevieve 75, 76 479, 480 150 listed as Rene Laverdiere
Lavergne Joseph Marie 1753-1815 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Blanchet Marie Angelique 88 486 150 listed as Joseph LAVAIGNE
Lavoie Augustin 1755-1822 Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska Perrault Marie Madeleine  (1st wife) 111 499 151 2nd wife Marie Anne Levesque;  listed as Augustin LAVOY, the son
Lavoie Jacques 1733-1808 Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Roy Marie Louise 79 481 151 listed as Jacques LAVOYE
Lebrun Jean Baptiste c1739-1807 Cap-St-Ignace, Quebec Metot Marie Catherine 96,102-103 152
Leclerc Francois 1708-1794 St-Pierre, Île-d'Orléans St-Pierre, Île-d'Orléans Cote Helene  (1st wife) 21, 22 446 152 listed as LECLAIRE
Leclerc Francois b. 1732 St-Pierre, Île-d'Orléans St-Charles (Bellechasse) Nolin Marie Josephe 72 477 152 listed as Frans LECLAIRE
Lecomte Nicolas Hebert dit 1715-1789 L'Ange-Gardien L'Ange-Gardien Vesina Marguerite  (1st wife) 9 438 153 listed as 2nd wife Marie Boucher, 3rd wife Rose Mathieu
Lecours Ambroise Augustin 1721-1793 Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Carrier Marie Genevieve  (1st wife) 67 474 153
Lecours Joseph Marie Barras dit 1719-1779 Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Samson Marie Anne 67 474 153 listed as Barras Lecour
Lefebvre dit Boulanger Joseph 1736-1797 St-Thomas (Montmagny) Hinse Marie Louise 91, 92 487, 488 68 listed as Joseph Boulanger
Lefebvre dit Lacroix Jacques 1729-1799 Cap-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec Cap-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec Rocheleau Madeleine  (1st wife) 42, 43 459 140 2nd wife Marie Genevieve Roy;  listed as Jacques Lacroix
Lefebvre dit Lacroix Jean Baptiste 1721-1806 Cap-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec Cap-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec Toupin Marie Therese 42, 43 459 140 listed as Jean Bte Lacroix;  brother of Jacques Lefebvre dit Lacroix
Legere Joseph 1753-p1802 Petitcoudiac, Acadia, Canada Nova Scotia, Canada Gaudet Anne in DAR Ancestor Database
Legrand Gabriel Christopher c1720-p1779 France Vincennes, Knox County, IN Chapoton Marie Madeleine  (1st wife) 154 oath of allegiance at Vincennes 2nd wife Veronique Reaume;  listed as Le Grand judge
Legras Jean Marie Philippe 1734-1788 Montreal, Quebec Vincennes, Knox County, IN Gamelin Marie Jeanne  (1st wife) 154 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
Lemaine Joseph Drouin dit 1721-1778 Ste-Famille, Île d'Orléans Ste-Famille, Île d'Orléans Chausse Angelique  (1st wife) 16 443 154 in DAR Ancestor Database;  2nd wife Marie Anne Guyon, 3rd wife Marie Anne Langlois
Lemieux Joseph 1757-1829 Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Roy Basilisse 80 481 154 listed as Joseph Lemieux, the son
Lemieux Joseph 1735-1789 Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Aube dit Langlois Marie Josephe 80 481 154 listed as Joseph Lemieux;  his son Joseph is listed as Joseph Lemieux, the son
Lemoine Charles Louis Guay dit b. 1730 Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Samson Marie Catherine  (1st wife) 67 474 154 2nd wife Marie Anne Begin, 3rd wife Madeleine Thivierge;  listed as Charles LEGUAY dit LENOIR
Lemonde Ambroise 1756-1854 Vercheres,Quebec Vercheres,Quebec Trudeau Francoise Christine 154 pension R10796 of Gabriel Tzor see his affidavit in pension of Gabriel Tzor (Giard)
Lepage Pierre 1735-1806 St-Antoine-de-Tilly, Lotbiniere St-Vallier, Quebec Lemieux Marie Louise 77, 78 480 155
Lessard Bonaventure 1722-1813 Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré Pare Elisabeth  (1st wife) 10, 12 438, 440 156 2nd wife Louis Bolduc
Lessard Francois  (the son) 1734-1804 Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré St-Joseph-de-Beauce, Quebec Gagne Marie Anne 63, 64 472, 473 156
Lessard Francois Malo 1704-1781 Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré St-Joseph-de-Beauce, Quebec Racine Angelique 63, 64 472, 473 156 in DAR Ancestor Database
Lessard Joseph 1736-1812 Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Carbonneau dit Provencal Marguerite 80 481 156
Letourneau Ignace 1755-1815 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Destroismaisons dit Picard Marie Genevieve 87 486 156
Levesque or Levake Augustin or Augustus 1754-1822 Riviere-Quelle, Quebec Clark Lucy 156 pension S40920
Levesque Charles Nicolas Louis c1722-1795 St-Thomas (Montmagny) Morel de LaDurantaye Marie Cecile 92 488 156 listed "Levesque (no first name), notary of the parish."  DeMarce lists his first name.  His occupation as notary is in his burial record.
Lezotte (Lizotte, Lisot) Louis 1752-1829 St-Roch-des-Aulnaies Monty Marie Madeleine (2nd wife) 158 pension W24533 1st wife Marguerite Gauthier
L'Heureux (Lereau) Joseph 1732-1823 Ste-Famille, Île d'Orléans Ste-Famille, Île d'Orléans Edmond Marie Louise  (1st wife) 16 443 156 2nd wife Marie Claire Plante;  listed as LEUREAU
Liebert Philippe Pierre 1733-1804 Nemours, France Montreal, Quebec Lenoir Marie Francoise 157 in DAR Ancestor Database
Lizotte (Lezotte, Lisot) Louis 1752-1829 St-Roch-des-Aulnaies Monty Marie Madeleine (2nd wife) 158 pension W24533 1st wife Marguerite Gauthier
Loignon Jean Baptiste 1720-1797 Ste-Famille, Île d'Orléans Ste-Famille, Île d'Orléans Letourneau Angelique 16 443 159 listed as BTE LOGNON
Lootman dit Barrios Francois b. 1733 Detroit, Wayne County, MI Vincennes, Knox County, IN Cesire Catherine 57 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
Lorrain Basile 1745-1825 Riviere-des-Prairies, Quebec L'Assomption, Quebec Jette Therese 149 M246 listed as BAZILLE LAURAIN
Loselton Firmin Orion dit Champagne c1756-1839 Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia Gaudet Marguerite 161 pension S46007 pension listed as Ferman Lorion; listed in DeMarce as Firmin Loselton
Maillet Amable 1734-1816 Riviere-des-Prairies, Quebec St-Denis-sur-Richelieu, Quebec Gazaille dit St Germain Marie Francoise 163 M246 listed as Amable MAILLE
Maillet Antoine 1742-p1788 Detroit, Wayne County, MI Vincennes, Knox County, IN Bordeleau Catherine oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database
Maillet Charles c1757-1829 Nova Scotia, Canada Boudreau Marguerite in DAR Ancestor Database
Maillet Jean Baptiste 1753-1837 Petitcoudiac, Nova Scotia, Canada Nova Scotia, Canada Richard Marguerite in DAR Ancestor Database
Maillet Jean Francois 1738-1808 Detroit, Wayne County, MI Vincennes, Knox County, IN Lavrond Marie Charlotte oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database
Maillet Louis c1734-1794 Vincennes, Knox County, IN Crepeau Marie Louise 164 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database listed as MAILLET
Maillot Augustin 1748-1812 St-Pierre-les-Becquets Beloeil Bombardier Marguerite 168 Q.11 in DAR Ancestor Database
Maillot Alexis 1754-1819 St-Pierre-les-Becquets St-Pierre-les-Becquets Frigon Marguerite 50 464 163 brother of Prisque Maillot
Maillot Prisque 1747-1819 St-Pierre-les-Becquets St-Pierre-les-Becquets Hamel Catherine 50 464 163 brother of Alexis Maillot
Maillot (Mailhot) Joseph c1732-1809 St-Pierre-les-Becquets Brisson Marie Genevieve (1st wife) 48, 50 463, 464 163 2nd wife Therese Hamel
Mailloux Pierre Vincent 1753-1848 Quebec City, Quebec New Hampshire Thompson Rachel pension S44998 in DAR Ancestor Database;  pensioned as Peter V Mayhew.
Mallet Antoine m. a1779 Vincennes, Knox County, IN Bordeleau Catherine 164 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
Mallet Louis c1734-1794 Vincennes, Knox County, IN Crepeau Marie Louise 164 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database listed as MAILLET
Mallet (Malette) Augustin 1752-1824 Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec Vaudreuil, Quebec Condon Marie Anne 164 M246 listed as MALETTE
Mallet (Mallette) Francois m. 1770 Vincennes, Knox County, IN Levron (Levront) Marie Charlotte 164 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
Marceau Augustin 1744-1823 St-Francois, Île-d'Orléans St-Francois, Île-d'Orléans Morin Victoire 18 444 164 listed as MARCAU
Marchand Alexis 1741-1809 Batiscan, Quebec Batiscan, Quebec Trottier dit Labissoniere Josephte 37, 38 456 164
Marchand Simon Marie 1754-1809 Ste-Croix, Lotbinere, Quebec Becancour, Quebec Deshaies dit St Cyr Marie Louise 46 461 165
Marcoux Louis 1723-1777 Beauport, Quebec Ste-Marie-de-Beauce, Quebec Grenier Marie Josephte 60, 62 470, 471 165 stated in the journal that he is the father-in-law of Jacques Parent
Marcoux Pierre 1728-1796 Beauport, Quebec Ste-Marie-de-Beauce, Quebec Grenier Marie Veronique 62 471 165
Marney Louis c1722-1802 Chazy, NY Couturier Marie Josephe 166 in DAR Ancestor Database
Marney Louis c1759-1829 Chazy, NY Boileau Genevieve  (1st wife) 166 pension S42924 in DAR Ancestor Database  2nd wife Lizette
Marot (Marotte) dit Labonte Paul b. 1751 Montmagny, Quebec St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Valliere Suzanne Ursule  (1st wife) 88 486 166 2nd wife Marie Roger Gaudreau;  listed as Paul Marot
Martin Antoine 1755-1822 St-Ours, Quebec St-Ours, Quebec Plouffe Genevieve 166 M246 listed as Antoine Martin fils (son of Antoine) of St-Ours
Martin dit Pelland Francois 1743-1778 Ile-Dupas, Quebec Fishkill, Dutchess Co, NY Boucher Genevieve 167 M246
Martin Jean Baptiste b. 1750 Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Gaudreau Marie Reine  (1st wife) 88 486 167 2nd wife Marthe Cote;  listed as Jean Martin;  listed with his brother Joseph Martin
Martin Joseph 1728-1809 Neuville, Pointe aux Trembles Pointe aux Trembles Hebert Rose 27 450 167
Martin Joseph c1745-1833 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Destroismaisons dit Picard Marguerite  (1st wife) 88 486 167 2nd wife Marguerite Drapeau;  listed with his brother Jean Martin
Martin Louis 1745-1812 Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska Dube Marie Felicite 111 499 167
Mathieu Augustin c1738-1830 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Fournier Marie Ursule  (1st wife) 88 486 168 2nd wife Marie Agathe Blondeau
Mathieu Charles 1747-1800 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Letourneau Marie Charlotte 88 486 168 listed with his father Charles
Mathieu Charles 1708-1784 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Dufresne Therese 88 486 168 in DAR Ancestor Database
Mathieu Rene Isaac b. 1751 St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Solieux Marie Barbe  (1st wife) 88 486 168 2nd wife Madeleine Belanger dit Vallee;  brother of Charles and son of Charles
Mayhew Peter Vincent 1753-1848 Quebec City, Quebec New Hampshire Thompson Rachel pension S44998 in DAR Ancestor Database as Pierre Vincent Mailloux
Menard dit Brindamour Jean Baptiste 1735-1815 France St-Antoine-sur-Richelieu, Quebec Circe Marie Francoise  (1st wife) 170 2nd wife Ursule Denault (Daudin);  in DAR Ancestor Database as Jean Menard
Meran Antoine b. 1743 Deschambault, Quebec Deschambault, Quebec Abel Marie Josephe 31 452 171
Mercier Jean Marie 1753-1827 St-Joachim St-Joachim Girard Catherine 13, 14 441 171
Michaud Benjamin b. 1734 Kamouraska, Quebec Kamouraska, Quebec Moreau Marie Regis  (1st wife) 113, 114 172 2nd wife Marie Charlotte Leclerc
Michaud Jean Francois b. 1752 Kamouraska, Quebec Kamouraska, Quebec Moreau Marie Pelagie 115 172 listed as "Francois Michaud and Louis Michaud, the sons of Joseph"
Michaud Louis 1754-1832 Kamouraska, Quebec Kamouraska, Quebec St Laurent Marie 115 172 listed as "Francois Michaud and Louis Michaud, the sons of Joseph"
Mignault (Migneault) Alexandre 1744-1806 Kamouraska, Quebec Kamouraska, Quebec Gueret dit Dumont Marie Josephte 115 172 listed as Alexandre MIGNAU
Mignault Jean Basile 1755-1832 St-Denis-sur-Richelieu, Quebec Ledoux Marie Josephe 172 pension R20405 (see comment) pension granted POSTHUMOUSLY - see DeMarce pages 172-173
Mignier dit Lagace Basile 1747-1816 Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere Leclerc Marie Madeleine  (1st wife) 107 497 143 2nd wife Catherine Dube;  listed as BAZIL Lagace
Mitron Joseph Jolivet dit 1733-1798 Beaumont, Quebec St-Charles (Bellechasse) Bissonette Marie Louise 72 477 173 listed as Joseph MITRON
Molleur dit Lallemand Jean Baptiste 1731-1800 Beaumont, Quebec Beaumont, Quebec Guay Therese 69, 70 475 174 listed as Jean MOLEUR dit LALLEMENT
Montambault Jean Baptiste 1746-1816 Deschambault, Quebec Deschambault, Quebec Naud or Nault Madeleine 31 452 174 in DAR Ancestor Database as MONTAMBAU
Montigny Francois b. 1755 St-Pierre, Île-d'Orléans St-Pierre, Île-d'Orléans Nolin Francoise 23 447 174 son of Michel Montigny
Montigny Michel 1707-1784 Montreal, Quebec St-Pierre, Île-d'Orléans Ferland Marie Madeleine  (1st wife) 21, 22 446 174 in DAR Ancestor Database, 2nd wife Marie Anne Leblanc
Montminy Jean Baptiste c1751-1831 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Coulombe Suzanne 86, 88 485, 486 174 listed as Jean Bte MONMENY and MONTMENY;  On page 88, he is listed as working for Joseph Morin
Montminy Michel 1725-1798 Beaumont, Quebec St-Michel (La Durantaye) Lacroix Marie Josephe  (1st wife) 74 478 174 2nd wife Marie Letourneau
Montreuil Jacques Sedilot dit 1730-1810 Ste-Foye, Quebec  Ste-Anne-de-la-Perade Baril Louise Celeste  (1st wife) 34, 35 454 174 2nd wife Elisabeth Perreault;  listed as Jacques Montreuil
Montreuil Jean Baptiste 1749-a1820 Montreal, Quebec Kaskaskia Territory, IL Thaumer dit Lasource Marie Francoise  (1st wife) 2nd wife Magdaleine Desgagnes Alaire;  in DAR Ancestor Database
Monty Amable 1760-p1818 Chambly, Quebec Barbery 175 pension S43012
Monty Claude Jr 1760-1840 Chambly, Quebec Chambly, Quebec Fontaine Marie Josephe 175 in DAR Ancestor Database
Monty Claude Sr 1734-1799 Chambly, Quebec Chambly, Quebec Boyer Marie Anne in DAR Ancestor Database
Monty Francois (Francis) Jr 1761-1818 Chambly, Quebec Chambly, Quebec X X 176 pension R7317V in DAR Ancestor Database as Francis Monty Jr
Monty Francois (Francis) Sr 1736-1809 Chambly, Quebec Chambly, Quebec Bergevin dit Langevin Marie Josephe (Josette) 175 in DAR Ancestor Database as Francis Monty Sr
Morency Basile Baucher dit 1711-1783 Ste-Famille, Île d'Orléans Ste-Famille, Île d'Orléans Guyon Marie Josephte 15, 16 442 57 in DAR Ancestor Database
Morency Charles Baucher dit b. 1753 Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Fortin Charlotte 80 482 71 listed as Chs Morancy Butau
Morency Joseph Baucher dit 1715-1788 Ste-Famille, Île d'Orléans Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Aube Marie Genevieve 79, 80, 81 481, 482 177 listed as Joseph MORANCY;  brother of Basile Baucher dit Morency
Morin Antoine 1747-1827 St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Beaudoin Isabelle Elisabeth 84 484 177 listed as Antoine Morin, son of Jean
Morin Antoine c1725-1786 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Pellerin Marie Anne 87 486 177 in DAR Ancestor Database
Morin Augustin c1723-1801 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Talbot Marie Judith 85, 87, 88 485, 486 177 in DAR Ancestor Database
Morin Augustin c1753-1803 Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Lefebvre Catherine 68 475 178
Morin Francois c1727-1805 St-Henri-de-Lauzon Malboeuf Dorothee  (1st wife) 57 468 178 2nd wife Elisabeth Brideau, 3rd wife Genevieve Langelier, 4th Felicite Plante
Morin Jacques c1747-1845 St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Godin Marie Josephte 83 483 178
Morin Jean Moise c1725-1809 St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Bellavance dit Gagne Marie Josephte 83, 84 483, 484 178 listed as Moise Morin and Moise Morin, the father
Morin Jean Moise 1751-1807 St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Buteau Marie Brigitte 83 484 178 listed as Jean Morin, the son of Moise
Morin Joseph Marie 1732-1784 Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere Kamouraska, Quebec Saucier Marie Louise Brigitte 115 178 in DAR Ancestor Database
Morissette (Morisset) Mathurin 1742-1825 Cap-Sante, Portneuf, Quebec Cap-Sante, Portneuf, Quebec Delisle Catherine 29 451 168 in DAR Ancestor Database as Mathurin Morrissett
Nadeau Alexis 1734-1797 Kamouraska, Quebec Kamouraska, Quebec Gueret dit Dumont Marie Ursule 113, 114 180
Nadeau Ambroise 1734-1821 Beaumont, Quebec St-Charles (Bellechasse) Harnois Marie Jeanne 72 477 180 listed as NADAU
Nadeau Antoine 1728-1800 Beaumont, Quebec St-Henri-de-Lauzon Tardif Marie Louise  (1st wife) 58 469 180 in DAR Ancestor Database; 2nd wife Therese Marchand, 3rd wife Marie Agnes Laverdiere, 4th wife Josephte Dorval
Nadeau Basile 1754-1841 Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Albany, Albany County, NY Coutant Lafranchise Marie Anne 180 pension S43063 in DAR Ancestor Database as Basile Pierre Nadeau
Nadeau Francois Etienne 1727-1803 Beaumont, Quebec St-Joseph-de-Beauce, Quebec Martineau Marie Genevieve 64 472, 473 180 in DAR Ancestor Database
Nadeau Jean Baptiste 1739-1819 Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Balan Lacombe Marie Josephte 80 481 180 listed as Jean NADAU;  brother of Louis
Nadeau Louis 1732-1811 St Nicolas, Quebec St Mathias, Quebec Cazeau Francoise 180 in DAR Ancestor Database
Nadeau Louis 1736-1806 St-Vallier, Quebec Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Bilodeau Marie Josephe 80 481 180 listed as NADAU;  brother of Jean Baptiste
Noel Marguerite 1740-1798 St-Pierre, Île-d'Orléans St-Pierre, Île-d'Orléans Chabot Augustin 23 447 77 listed as Augustin Chabot's wife;  she was nicknamed "The Queen of Hungary"
Nolet Basile 1741-1815 Beaumont, Quebec Beaumont, Quebec Carrier Marie Suzanne 71 476 181 in DAR Ancestor Database
Nolin Louis Basile 1750-1828 Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Pointe-de-Levy (Lauzon) Bisson Marie Anne 68 475
Normand Bonaventure 1758-1816 L'Islet, Quebec L'Islet, Quebec Couillard Marie Josephte 98 492 181 listed as Bone Normand;  he is the brother of Jacques Normand
Normand Jacques Francois 1753-1820 L'Islet, Quebec L'Islet, Quebec Fortin Marie Marguerite 98 492 182 he is the brother of Bonaventure Normand
Orion Firmin Champagne dit c1756-1839 Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia Gaudet Marguerite 161 pension S46007 pension listed as Ferman Lorion; listed in DeMarce as Firmin Loselton
Ouellet Joseph 1715-1789 Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatière St-Roch-des-Aulnaies, Quebec St Pierre Marie Reine 101, 105 493, 495 184 in DAR Ancestor Database
Page Guillaume 1732-1801 Cap-Sante, Portneuf, Quebec Vincennes, Knox County, IN Chapart Marie Josephe  (1st wife) 185 oath of allegiance at Vincennes 2nd wife Marie Victoire Huneau;  in DAR Ancestor Database
Page Joseph Etienne 1736-1792 Deschambault, Quebec Cap-Sante, Portneuf, Quebec Hardy Madeleine 29, 30 451 185 His uncle Pierre Mercure is named in the BTW journal.
Page Joseph Louis 1725-1814 Cap-Sante, Portneuf, Quebec Cap-Sante, Portneuf, Quebec Morisset Marie Anne 29 451 185
Paillan Jacques Amable 1759-1845 St-Denis-sur-Richelieu, Quebec St-Ours, Quebec Potter Abigail 185 W18786 in DAR Ancestor Database as PYON
Palmier Michel Beaulieu 1734-1780 Montreal, Quebec Cahokia, IL Chauvin Angelique 186 in DAR Ancestor Database
Paquet Louis c1738-1806 Charlesbourg, Quebec Chalifour Agathe 6 437 188 listed as Louis PASQUET
Paquin Jean Baptiste 1731-1808 Deschambault, Quebec Deschambault, Quebec Morin Marie Josephte  (1st wife) 31 452 188 2nd wife Therese Benoit dit Abel, 3rd wife Angelique Naud;  listed as Jean PASQUIN
Paquin Nicolas 1708-1791 Cap-Sante, Portneuf, Quebec Deschambault, Quebec Arcand Marie Josephte 31 452 188 listed as PASQUIN
Paradis Louis 1732-1808 St-Pierre, Île-d'Orléans St-Henri-de-Lauzon Demers Marguerite 57 468 187
Parent Denis b. 1754 Pointe-Olivier (St-Mathias) Pointe-Olivier (St-Mathias) Brouillet Marie Marguerite 187 M804 listed as DENNIS PARANT;  See DeMarce page 187
Parent Etienne 1708-1782 Beauport, Quebec Ste-Marie-de-Beauce, Quebec Lefebvre Marie Genevieve 59, 60, 61 469, 470 187 in DAR Ancestor Database
Parent Jacques 1745-1826 St-Joseph-de-Beauce, Quebec Ste-Marie-de-Beauce, Quebec Marcoux Marie Genevieve  (1st wife) 60, 61 470 187 2nd wife Brigette Nadeau;  son of Etienne Parent;  listed as PARANT
Parent Pierre 1705-1776 Beauport, Quebec Beauport, Quebec Belanger Marie Anne Jeanne 8 438 187 listed as Pierre PARANT; died Dec 28 1776  The journal was written May 25, 1776
Paulin Antoine 1737-1813 Grenoble, France St Denis, Quebec Cottard Theotiste 188 in DAR Ancestor Database
Payan Jacques Amable 1759-1845 St-Denis-sur-Richelieu, Quebec St-Ours, Quebec Potter Abigail 185 W18786 in DAR Ancestor Database as PYON
Payant (Payan) dit St Onge Francois c1751-1816 St-Ours, Quebec Delmasse Angelique 185 M246 listed as Francois PAILLAN;  His brothers Joseph and Pierre also served.
Payant (Payan) dit St Onge Joseph 1754-1819 Chambly, Quebec St-Ours, Quebec Emery dit Coderre Marie Angelique 185 M246 listed as Joseph PAILLAN;  His brothers Francois and Pierre also served.
Payant (Payan) dit St Onge Pierre 1757-p1829 St-Ours, Quebec St-Ours, Quebec Dupre Marie Constance 186 pension S46338 listed as Pierre PAILLAN;  Pension is listed Pierre PYON;  His brothers Francois and Joseph also served.
Pelissier Christophe 1728-a1800 France Becancour, Quebec Baudoin Marie Marthe  (1st wife) 189 2nd wife Marie Catherine Josephe Delezenne
Pelletier Andre 1738-1785 Kamouraska, Quebec Vincennes, Knox County, IN Lacoste Angelique 189 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database
Pelletier Antoine 1706-1795 Kaskaskia Territory, IL Doza Marie in DAR Ancestor Database
Pelletier Augustin 1744-1795 St-Roch-des-Aulnaies Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska Berube Marie Louise  (1st wife) 111 499 189 2nd wife Marie Catherine Soucy;  listed as Augustin PELTIER
Pelletier Francois 1749-1788 La Prairie, Quebec Vincennes, Knox County, IN Milot (Mallot, Millot, Mallette) Felicite 190 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
Pelletier Jacques c1717-1788 St-Roch-des-Aulnaies, Quebec Roy Marie Anne 101, 103 493 190 listed as PELTIER
Pelletier Jean Baptiste b. 1752 Kamouraska, Quebec Kamouraska, Quebec Hudon Beaulieu Genevieve 114 190 listed as Jean PELTIER
Pelletier Joseph 1754-1837 St-Roch-des-Aulnaies, Quebec St-Roch-des-Aulnaies, Quebec Nadeau Loineau Francois  (1st wife) 103 494 190 2nd wife Marie Angelique Valentin;  listed as Joseph PELTIER the son
Pelletier Pierre b. 1755 Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska Kamouraska, Quebec Levesque Marie Madeleine 114 190
Pepin Andre (Andrew) c1735-p1798 France New York Daunais Marie Judith 190 in DAR Ancestor Database as Andrew Pepin
Pepin dit Lachance Antoine 1718-1796 St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Arbour Marie Genevieve 84 484 138 listed as Antoine LACHAINE  His son Antoine is also listed.
Pepin dit Lachance Antoine 1751-1829 St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Robichaud Marguerite 84 484 138 listed as Antoine LACHAINE  His father Antoine is also listed.
Perrault Basile 1753-1805 Batiscan, Quebec St-Pierre-les-Becquets Rocheleau Angelique 50 464 192 brother of Michel Perrault;  in DAR Ancestor Database
Perrault Etienne 1733-1808 Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska Plourde Marie Madeleine  (1st wife) 111 499 192 2nd wife Marie Genevieve Lavoie
Perrault (Perreault) Jacques 1742-1823 Deschambault, Quebec Deschambault, Quebec Laroche Josephte 31 452 191 listed as PERAU
Perrault Jean Baptiste 1727-1794 Deschambault, Quebec Deschambault, Quebec Delisle Marie Anne  (1st wife) 32 453 2nd wife Gertrude Guilbault;  listed as Jean Perrault;  sent a petition to the rebels asking for help
Perrault or Perreault Michel 1751-1837 St-Pierre-les-Becquets St-Pierre-les-Becquets Adam Marguerite  (1st wife) 50 464 192 2nd wife Charlotte Brisson;  listed as PERAULT;  brother of Basile Perrault
Perron Joseph (Joson) 1728-1816 Deschambault, Quebec Deschambault, Quebec Paquin Marie Josephte  (1st wife) 32 453 191 2nd wife Monique Mathieu, 3rd wife Madeleine Giroux;  listed as JOSON PERON
Perron Pierre b. c1750 Vincennes, Knox County, IN Roufiance (Riffiante) Laviolette Marie Therese 192 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
Petitclerc Augustin 1715-1790 Ste-Foye, Quebec  Ste-Foye, Quebec  Belleau Marie  (1st wife) 25 448 192 listed as PETITCLAIR;  2nd wife Dorothee Bisson
Picard Andre Destroismaisons dit 1755-1837 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Blouin Angelique  (1st wife) 88 486 193 2nd wife Marie Josephte Destroismaisons;  listed as Andre Picard;  brother of Louis Marie Destroismaisons dit Picard
Picard Augustin Destroismaisons dit b. 1753 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Sylvestre Marie Genevieve 86, 88 485, 486 193 listed as Augustin Picard
Picard Jacques Destroismaisons dit 1742-1817 St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Gendron Marie Reine 87 486 193 listed as Jacques Picard
Picard Jean Francois Destroismaisions 1729-1814 Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Therrien Marie Francoise 84 484 193 listed as Jean Francois Picard
Picard Louis Marie Destroismaisons dit 1753-1800 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Belanger Genevieve  (1st wife) 88 486 193 2nd wife Marie Madeleine Pelletier;  listed as Louis Marie Picard;  brother of Andre Destroismaisons dit Picard
Picard Louis Robert Desforges dit 1758-1848 Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré Donat dit Laverdure Marie Elisabeth 193 pension S14175 in DAR Ancestor Database
Picard Pierre Noel Destroismaisons dit 1741-1806 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Gagnon Agathe 88 486 193 listed as Pierre Picard
Pigeon Julien 1754-1823 St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Thibault Genevieve 84 484 194
Pilote Jean Baptiste 1735-1804 St-Vallier, Quebec St-Michel (La Durantaye) Gautron dit Larochelle Marie Anne Agnes  (1st wife) 74, 75 478, 479 194 2nd wife Marie Agathe Bolduc;  listed as Jean PILOT and PILOTE
Plante Jean 1731-1811 Quebec St-Francois, Île-d'Orléans Verieul Marthe 17 443 195
Plante Joseph Marie 1737-1791 St-Jean, Ile d'Orleans St-Jean, Ile d'Orleans Gosselin Francoise 19 444 195 listed as Joseph Plante
Pomerleau Basile Vachon dit c1747-1799 St-Joseph-de-Beauce, Quebec St-Joseph-de-Beauce, Quebec Lessard Marie Josephe 63, 64 472, 473 195 in DAR Ancestor Database as Basile Vachon dit Pamerleau
Pominville Pascal Brault dit 1734-1815 Lachine, Quebec St-Genevieve, Quebec Leduc Marie Therese 195 see DeMarce p. 195 for a descripition of service
Potel Andre b. c1735 France Dolbec Veronique  (1st wife) 196 M246 2nd wife Marie Josephe Langlois
Pretaboire Noel Renaud dit b. c1730 probably France St-Ours, Quebec Didier Marie Madeleine 196 M246
Provencal Joseph Carbonneau dit 1742-1831 Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Berthier-en-Bas, Quebec Blais Therese 80 481 197 listed as Joseph Provencal
Pyon Jacques Amable 1759-1845 St-Denis-sur-Richelieu, Quebec St-Ours, Quebec Potter Abigail 185 W18786 in DAR Ancestor Database
Quatrefages dit Beausoleil Pierre c1742-1798 France St Charles, Quebec Tetreau Marie Josephe  (1st wife) 199 2nd wife Marie Francoise Banlier;  in DAR Ancestor Database as Pierre Quatreface
Quemeneur dit Laflamme Jean Baptiste 1743-1798 Berthier, Quebec St-Vallier, Quebec Bouchard Marie Angelique 77 480 141 listed as BAPTISTE LAFLAME
Quemeneur dit Laflamme Joseph c1740-1801 St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Huret Marie Louise 84 484 141 listed as Joseph LAFLAME
Quemeneur dit Laflamme Michel 1740-1800 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Blanchet Marie Claire 84 484 141 in DAR Ancestor Database
Queret Pierre 1739-p1782 St-Michel (La Durantaye) Vincennes, Knox County, IN Pelletier Marie Josephe 135 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database
Quimper (Kimper) Pierre Denis dit 1740-1819 Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere Michaud Genevieve 105 495 199 in DAR Ancestor Database as Pierre Denis Quimper
Racine Charles 1759-1827 Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré Quebec Durocher Josephte 200 in DAR Ancestor Database
Racine Francois 1758-p1790 Vincennes, Canada Vincennes, Knox County, IN Compagnotte Marie Theresa 200 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database
Racine Jean Charles 1751-1791 St-Michel (La Durantaye) St-Michel (La Durantaye) Lessard Marie Louise 75 479 200 listed as Jean Racine, the son
Range (Renge, Ranger) Pierre c1748-1828 Vincennes, Knox County, IN Clermont Marguerite 201 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database
Renaud dit Pretaboire Noel b. c1730 probably France St-Ours, Quebec Didier Marie Madeleine 196 M246
Renault dit Deslauriers Louis b. 1759 Vincennes, Knox County, IN Coderre (Godere, Gauder) Marguerite 96 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
Richard Michel c1718-1793 France St-Vallier, Quebec Mercier Marie Angelique 77 480 202 in DAR Ancestor Database
Richardville Antoine Drouet dit c1756-1831 Vincennes, Knox County, IN Vaudry (Vaudrie) Marie 70 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
Rivard Nicolas 1726-1792 Grondines, Quebec Grondines, Quebec Gauthier Marie Anne 33, 34 453 203 in DAR Ancestor Database
Rivard (dit Lacoursiere) Pierre 1748-1811 St-Charles-sur-Richelieu Kamouraska, Quebec Breilly (Bray) Marie Clemence 114 203
Rivard dit Lacoursiere Antoine 1718-1789 Batiscan, Quebec Ste-Genevieve-de-Batiscan Brisson Genevieve 38, 39 457 139 listed as Antoine LACOURCIERE
Robinet Jacques a1735-a1778 Chateauguay, Quebec Gendron Marie Francoise 204 Mooers list See DeMarce p. 204 for a detailed description
Romain dit SansCrainte Jean Baptiste c1754-1838 Montreal, Quebec Detroit Solo Margaret in DAR Ancestor Database
Rouillard Joseph Charles b. 1746 St-Vallier, Quebec St-Michel (La Durantaye) Gravel Angelique 75 479 205 in DAR Ancestor Database
Rouillard dit St Cyr Pierre 1737-1812 Batiscan, Quebec Batiscan, Quebec Cormier Rosalie 37, 38 456 208 listed as SAINSIRE
Rouse Jacques c1753-p1820 Chazy, NY Therese 205 in DAR Ancestor Database
Rousseau Augustin c1716-1795 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Isabelle (Isabel) Marie Madeleine 87, 88 486 205 in DAR Ancestor Database
Rousseau Jean Baptiste c1747-1831 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Daniau (Dagneau) dit Laprise Marie Madeleine 88 486 206 listed as Jean Rousseau
Rousseau Louis Jacques 1723-1797 S-Nicolas, Levis, Quebec S-Nicolas, Levis, Quebec Marion Francoise 54, 55, 57 467, 468 206 listed as ROUSSAU
Routier (Routhier) Louis 1726-1809 Ste-Foye, Quebec  Ste-Foye, Quebec  Hamel Marie Angeligue  (1st wife) 25 448 206 2nd wife Marie Genevieve Guerard
Roy Andre 1739-1795 Vincennes, Knox County, IN Chapart Marie Francoise 206 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
Roy Eustache 1741-1807 St-Vallier, Quebec St-Vallier, Quebec Chabot Madeleine 78 480 206 in DAR Ancestor Database
Roy Chatellerault Joachim 1739-1803 Ste-Anne-de-la-Perade Ste-Anne-de-la-Perade Papilleau Therese 34, 35 454 82 listed as Joachim CHATELRAU
SansCrainte Jean Baptiste Romain dit c1754-1838 Montreal, Quebec Detroit Solo Margaret in DAR Ancestor Database
Sedilot dit Montreuil Jacques 1730-1810 Ste-Foye, Quebec  Ste-Anne-de-la-Perade Baril Louise Celeste  (1st wife) 34, 35 454 174 2nd wife Elisabeth Perreault;  listed as Jacques Montreuil
Seguin dit Laderoute Alexis 1733-p1778 Detroit, Canada Vincennes, Knox County, IN Campeau Marie Agathe 140 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database
Seguin dit Laderoute Louis 1758-p1832 Detroit Kaskaskia Territory, IL Denoyon Marie Anne 211 See DeMarce p. 211 for a description of service
Simard Augustin b. 1757 Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré St-Fereol  (Ste-Anne's priest) 11 440 212 listed as the 3 sons of Augustin Cynard (Simard)  Ministered by Ste-Anne's priest
Simard Jean Baptiste 1755-1829 Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré St-Fereol  (Ste-Anne's priest) Giguere Genevieve 11 440 212 listed as the 3 sons of Augustin Cynard (Simard)  Ministered by Ste-Anne's priest
Simard Joseph Marie 1749-1821 Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré St-Fereol  (Ste-Anne's priest) UNMARRIED 11 440 212 listed as the 3 sons of Augustin Cynard (Simard)  Ministered by Ste-Anne's priest
Sirois dit Duplessis Henri b. c1757 Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere Botteler Marie Anne 103 See DeMarce page 103 for a detailed description of his service
Sivadier (Civadier) Ignace 1730-1817 St-Laurent, Île-d'Orléans St-Laurent, Île-d'Orléans Roberge Gertrude 21 446 213
Soucy Augustin 1754-1833 Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska Danjou Genevieve 111 499 214 Augustin is NOT named.  It lists his brother Joseph as "Joseph Soucy and his brother."  Augustin is the only one who could have served in 1775-76.
Soucy Joseph 1727-1810 Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere Richard Marie Marthe 105 495 214
Soucy Joseph 1752-1821 Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska Thibodeau Marie Luce 111 499 214 listed as Joseph Soucy and his brother
Spenard Antoine 1738-1825 St-Pierre-les-Becquets St-Pierre-les-Becquets Vesina Marie Euphrosine 50 464 214 in DAR Ancestor Database  brother of Gabriel Spenard
Spenard Gabriel 1747-1793 Ste-Anne-de-la-Perade St-Pierre-les-Becquets Guilbeau Marie Anatasie 50 464 214 brother of Antoine Spenard
St Antoine Charles Francois Vachet dit 1741-1803 Montreal, Quebec Vincennes, Knox County, IN Cardinal Marie Therese 208 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database
St Aubin Jean Baptiste 1732-p1790 Detroit Vincennes, Knox County, IN Denis Marie Louise Catherine 208 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
St Cyr Pierre Rouillard dit 1737-1812 Batiscan, Quebec Batiscan, Quebec Cormier Rosalie 37, 38 456 208 listed as SAINSIRE
St Jean Jean Anctil dit b. 1745 Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere Fournier Elisabeth 105 495 49 in DAR Ancestor Database
St Jean Pierre Laperche dit 1746-1812 L'Assomption, Quebec Cahokia, IL Chretien Marie Therese in DAR Ancestor Database
St Mars (Cinq Mars) Guillaume Gobelin dit b. 1736 St-Laurent, Île-d'Orléans St-Laurent, Île-d'Orléans Ruel Elisabeth 20, 21 445 213 listed as SINMAR
St Onge Francois Payant dit c1751-1816 St-Ours, Quebec Delmasse Angelique 185 M246 listed as Francois PAILLAN;  His brothers Joseph and Pierre also served.
St Onge Joseph Payant dit 1754-1819 Chambly, Quebec St-Ours, Quebec Emery dit Coderre Marie Angelique 185 M246 listed as Joseph PAILLAN;  His brothers Francois and Pierre also served.
St Onge Pierre Payant dit 1757-p1829 St-Ours, Quebec St-Ours, Quebec Dupre Marie Constance 186 pension S46338 listed as Pierre PAILLAN;  Pension is listed Pierre PYON;  His brothers Francois and Joseph also served.
St Pierre Basile 1730-1805 Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatière St-Roch-des-Aulnaies, Quebec Lebel Marie Anne 101, 103 493 209
St Pierre Jean Chrysostome Dessaint dit c1728-1798 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Richard Marie Angelique 85, 87, 88 485, 486 96 in DAR Ancestor Database
Talbot dit Gervais Augustin 1744-1802 Montmagny, Quebec St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Blais Marie Anne 88 486 118 listed as Augustin Gervais
Tellier Michel 1750-1834 St-Vallier, Quebec St-Vallier, Quebec Moreau Marie Louise 78 480 216 listed as TELIER
Therrien Ignace 1707-1790 St-Jean, Ile d'Orleans St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Audet dit Lapointe Marie Angelique 84 484 216 listed as TERRIEN
Thibault Germain 1722-1786 Charlesbourg Charlesbourg Huppe Marguerite 6 437 217 spelled THIBAUT
Thibault Louis c1730-1810 St-Francois-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Blanchet Genevieve 81, 82, 84 482-484 217
Thibault Louis b. 1723 St-Thomas (Montmagny) St-Thomas (Montmagny) Belanger Genevieve Regis 91, 93 487, 488 217
Thibierge (Thivierge) Jean Marie 1728-1794 St-Jean, Ile d'Orleans St-Jean, Ile d'Orleans Lefebvre Boulanger Marie Madeleine  (1st wife) 19 445 218 2nd wife Marie Thecle Marceau;  listed as TIVIERGE
Thibierge (Thivierge) Laurent c1735-1799 St-Jean, Ile d'Orleans Fortier Charlotte 18 444 listed as TIVIERGE
Tougas Joseph 1743-1793 Boucherville, Quebec Vincennes, Knox County, IN Cardinal Jeanne Marie oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database
Tourigny Alexis 1740-1810 Becancour, Quebec Becancour, Quebec Lacourse David Francoise  (1st wife) 45 460 219 2nd wife Marguerite Marchand;  brother of Laurent Tourigny
Tourigny Joseph Deshaies dit 1737-1789 Becancour, Quebec Gentilly, Quebec Poisson Marie Josephte  (1st wife) 46 462 223 2nd wife Marguerite Poyrie;  listed as TURIGNI;  brother of Alexis
Tousignant Jean Baptiste 1749-1795 Lotbiniere, Quebec St-Pierre-les-Becquets Nault or Neault Marie Charlotte 48, 50 463 219 listed as BTE TOUZIGNANT
Tousignant dit Lapointe Antoine c1713-1797 Lotbinere, Quebec Hubert Agathe 174 See DeMarce p. 147 for a description of service;  Listed as Antoine Lapointe
Trahan Etienne c1750-1809 New York Gosselin Anastasie 220 pension W23062
Trahan Gregoire c1752-1811 Philadelphia Bourg Marguerite 220 pension W9318
Traversy Francois Langlois dit 1726-1778 Ste-Foye, Quebec  Ste-Foye, Quebec  Hamel Felicite 24 448 220 listed as Francois Traversy
Traversy Joseph Langlois dit 1728-1796 St-Francois-du-Lac St-Francois-du-Lac Vital Caron Charlotte in DAR Ancestor Database as Joseph Langlois Traversy
Tremblay Jacques 1744-1810 St-Pierre, Île-d'Orléans St-Jean, Ile d'Orleans Pepin Lachance Angelique 20 445 221 listed as TRAMBLE
Trepanier Prisque 1731-1818 Neuville, Quebec St-Antoine-De-Rivière-Du-Loup (Louiseville) Veillet Louise 221 with the Americans in 1776 source of service linked on Ancestry profile
Trottier Augustin 1741-1784 Batiscan, Quebec St-Pierre-les-Becquets Barolet Marie Madeleine 48 463 222 listed as TROTIER
Trottier Jean Baptiste 1754-1818 Batiscan, Quebec Batiscan, Quebec Duclos dit Carignan Marie Josephte (1st wife) 37 456 222 in DAR Ancestor Database as Jean Baptiste TROTIER;  2nd wife Josephte Barette
Trottier Louis 1724-1803 Grondines, Quebec Grondines, Quebec Jobin dit Boisvert Francoise 33, 34 453 222 listed as TROTIER
Trottier Rene Bernard 1731-1782 Grondines, Quebec Grondines, Quebec Grignon Marie Rose  (1st wife) 33, 34 453 222 2nd wife Marie Louise Arcand;  listed as Bernard TROTIER
Trudel Francois 1731-1804 Neuville, Pointe aux Trembles Ste-Genevieve-de-Batiscan Lefebvre Suzanne 38, 39 457 222
Turcot Francis c1751-1835 Nova Scotia Gee Mary 223 pension W22390 in DAR Ancestor Database
Turgeon Jacques 1708-1783 Beaumont, Quebec Beaumont, Quebec Fournier Marie Jeanne Marguerite 70 476 223
Turpin Francois c1754-1809 Vincennes, Knox County, IN Levron Marie Josephe "Josette" 223 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database as FRANCIS Turpin
Vachereau (Vacherot) Louis Noel 1753-1809 Laprairie, Quebec St-Jean-Francois-Regis Poupart Rosalie 224 pension W18216
Vachet dit St Antoine Charles Francois 1741-1803 Montreal, Quebec Vincennes, Knox County, IN Cardinal Marie Therese 208 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database
Vachon Etienne 1722-1789 Beauport, Quebec Ste-Marie-de-Beauce, Quebec Lessard Genevieve Victoire 62 471 224
Vachon dit Pomerleau Basile c1747-1799 St-Joseph-de-Beauce, Quebec St-Joseph-de-Beauce, Quebec Lessard Marie Josephe 63, 64 472, 473 195 in DAR Ancestor Database as Basile Vachon dit Pamerleau
Valiquet Francois 1748-1810 St-Vincent-de-Paul Vincennes, Knox County, IN Berthiaume Marie Angelique 224 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
Vallee Alexandre 1726-1799 Beauport Beauport Marcoux Angelique  (1st wife) 8 438 224 2nd wife Louise Genevieve Parent
Valliere Augustin 1746-1818 St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Fournier Marie Reine 88 486 224 listed as Augustin VALIERE
Valliere Joseph 1718-1800 St-Pierre, Île-d'Orléans St-Pierre-de-la-Riviere-du-Sud Cloutier Elisabeth 85, 86, 88 484-486 224 listed as VALIERE
Vaudry Jean (Baptiste) c1722-1792 Vincennes, Canada Vincennes, Knox County, IN Richard Agnes 225 oath of allegiance at Vincennes in DAR Ancestor Database
Veronneau (Verano) Pierre 1761-1846 St-Charles-sur-Richelieu Quebec Bleau Marie Amable 225 pension S18638 listed as Peter Verano in DAR Ancestor Database
Vezina Augustin 1742-1816 Neuville, Pointe aux Trembles Pointe aux Trembles Faucher Catherine 27, 28 450 226
Viens Louis 1716-1808 Beaumont, Quebec Beaumont, Quebec Derome Angelique  (1st wife) 70 476 226 2nd wife Catherine Martel;  listed as Louis Vien, the father
Viens Louis 1745-1817 Beaumont, Quebec Beaumont, Quebec Gosselin Charlotte 70 476 226 listed as Louis Vien, the son
Villeneuve Charles 1740-1795 Charlesbourg, Quebec Vincennes, Knox County, IN Bonneau Genevieve 227 oath of allegiance at Vincennes
Vivier Joseph 1724-1794 Cap-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec Gauthier Marie Josephte  (1st wife) 42, 43 459 227 2nd wife Marie Josephe Labadie
Voisin dit Baugis Louis c1727-1812 St-Vallier, Quebec Roy Marie Anne  (1st wife) 77, 78 479, 480 58 M246 listed as Louis Beaugis or Baugis;  Private, Major Nicholson's detachment, Albany, 1777